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1991 BA in Chinese Language and Literature at the Department of Chinese Language & Literature ,Jilin University;
1995 MA in Ancient Chinese Literature (as a recommended student)at the Department of Chinese Language & Literature ,Jilin University;
2001 PhD in Ancient Chinese Literature at the Department of Chinese Language & Literature ,Peking University;
·Literature of the Song, Liao and Jin Dynasties
·Ci-poetry Studies
·History of the Chinese Literature
·Studies of Historical Materials in the Song Dynasty
·Introductory Reading of the Ci-poetry Documents
·Executive Member of the Chinese Ci-poetry Research Association (中国词学研究会)
·Vice-chairman of the Research Association of Su Shi in the Northeast China (东北苏轼研究会)
·Vice-chairman of the Jilin Classical Poetry Research Association

1. Monograph. A Study of the Compilation and Communication of the Ci-poetry in Jin, Yuan and Ming Dynasties (《金元明词集的编刻与传播研究》). Jilin University Press, 2018.

2. Co-author. Annotation of the Notes and Comments on Ci-poetry from Yuan to Qing Dynasties (《历代论词绝句笺注》). Peking University Press, 2014.

3. Monograph. Ci-poetry Circles during the Qiandao and Chunxi Reigns of Emperor Xiaozong of Song (《南宋乾淳词坛研究》). Taiwan Hua Mulan Culture Publishing House(花木兰文化出版社 of S). 2012.

4. Monograph. A Study of the Formation of the Ci-Poem Circle in Jin Dynasty (《金词生成史研究》). China Social Sciences Press, 2010.

1. “The Shift in the Ci-poetry Lyricism of the Southern Tang Dynasty (《南唐词抒情模式的位移》)”. The Northern Forum , Vol.4, 2002.
2. “Recognition for Xin Qiji by the Ci Poet Yuan Haowen of the Jin Dynasty (《金源词人元好问对辛弃疾的接受》)”. At the 2003 International Seminar on Xin Qiji (2003辛弃疾国际研讨会).
3. “On the Eyeshot and Visual Angel of Liu Yong’s Ci-Poems(《柳永词的视野和视角论略》)”. Journal of Peking University, Vol.6, 2003. [Reprint by the Journal Copies (E-journal) of Renmin University of China : The Study of Ancient and Modern Chinese Literature (人大复印资料:《中国古、近代文学研究》) of its issuance of Vol. 3, 2004]
4. “The Meeting of Xin Qiji and Chen Liang & The School of Jiaxuan Ci-poem ( 《鹅湖之会与稼轩词派》)”. The Northern Forum , Vol.6, 2004.
5. “The Writing of Jiang Kui’s Ci- poems and His Identity as a Refined Scholar(《姜夔词的创作与其雅士形象的角色认同》)”. Journal of Mudanjiang Normal University, Vol.1, 2005.
6. “On the Characteristics of ‘Writing Ci-Poems in Prose Style’(《略论“以文为词”》)”. Journal of Peking University,Vol.2, 2015.
7. “On the Xin Qiji ‘s Hero Complex and His Heroic Ci-Poems ( 《略论辛弃疾的英雄情结及其英雄的词》)”. Journal of Mudanjiang Normal University. Vol.2, 2005.
8. “On the Refinement of Ci-poetry during the Qiandao and Chunxi Era of the Southern Song Dynasty from the Perspective of Courtiers’ Ci-poems (《从朝廷近臣词看南宋乾淳词坛的雅化之路》)”. Journal of Qiqihar University, Vol.2, 2005.
9. “On Zhang Xiaoxiang’s Circle of Friends and the Writing of Ci-poems When He was a Government Official in the Jianghuai Region (《张孝祥为官江淮时的交游与词的创作论略》)”. Academic Exchanges, Vol.3, 2005.
10. “On Zhang Xiaoxiang’s Contacts in Linan of Zhejiang Province and His Writing of Ci-poems (《张孝祥的临安交游与词的创作论略》)”. Seeking Truth, Vol.3, 2005.
11. “The Social Intercourse between Wu Ji and Cai Songnian and Their Differences in Ci-poetry (《吴激、蔡松年的交往与词之异同探析》)”. Heilongjiang National Series, Vol.1, 2007.
12. “A Study of ‘Wu-Cai Style of Ci-poetry’ (《 “吴蔡体”探辨》)”. Study & Exploration, Vol.2, 2007.
13. “The National Self-Identity of Ci-Poets in the Early Jin Dynasty and Their Writing of Ci-Poems (《金初词人群体的心理认同与词的创作》)”. Literary Review, Vol. 1, 2011.
14. “Hong Hao's being Sent on a Diplomatic Mission to the Jin Dynasty and His Ci-poems' Writing and Spreading (《洪皓使金与词的创作、传播》)”. Journal of Peking University, Vol.4, 2008.
15. “The View of Ci-poetry by the Ci-poet Circle during the Qiandao-Chunxi Era of the Southern Song Dynasty (《南宋乾淳词坛的词学观论略》)”. Social Science Journal, Vol.4, 2008.
16. “An Exposition of the Evolutionary Process of Ci-Poems Written by Nüzhen Poets in the Jin Dynasty : From Wan Yanliang to Wan Yanshu (《从完颜亮到完颜璹:金代女真人词的嬗变轨迹述论》)”. Academic Forum, Vol.6, 2010.
17. “On the Identity of Taoist Ci-poets and Their Writing of Ci-Poems (《金代道士词人群体的身份认同与词创作品类论略》)”. Academic Exchanges, Vol.8, 2010.
18. “A Brief Account of the Community Structure of the Ci-poetry Circle in the Early Jin Dynasty(《金初词坛的群落构成刍论》)”. Social Science Front, Vol.9, 2010.
19. “A Probe into Liu Yangzhong’s Great Attainments of Academic Study(《刘扬忠先生治学胜概探微》)”. Social Science Front, Vol.10, 2012.
20. “On the Genre and Evolution of ‘Playful’ Ci-poetry in the Song Dynasty (《宋代“戏作”词的体类及其嬗变》)”. Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Sciences) , Vol.5, 2014.
21. “Changes in the Type of Writing and a Turning Point of the Ci-poetry Development in the Early and Medium Northern Song Dynasty(《体格之变与北宋中前期词运之转关》)”. Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition, Vol.5, 2014.
22. “Differences in Gratitude Ci-Poems due to Genders in the Song Dynasties (《宋代酬赠词的性别差异》)”. Study & Exploration, Vol.11, 2014.
23. “The Review and Prospect of the Studies of Relationship between Poems and Ci-Poems in Recent 100 Years(《近百年来诗词关系研究回顾与前瞻》)”. Journal of Ci-poetry Studies(《词学》), Vol. 34, 2015.
24. “On the Gradual Transition from Poems of the Late Tang Dynasty to Ci-Poems in Medium-late Northern Song Dynasty and the Self-positioning of Ci-Poems: Also on the Phenomenon of being Homogeneous and Heterogeneous (《北宋中后期词对晚唐诗的递嬗与自我定位——兼论诗词同质异构现象》)”. Study & Exploration, Vol.12, 2015.
25. “Su shi’s Poetic Spirit and His Predestined Relationship with the Buddha When He was in Sizhou(《论泗州时期苏轼的诗心佛缘》)”. Academic Exchanges, Vol. 12, 2016.
26. “Art Comes from Nature and Grows in Inspiration” :A Brief Discussion of the Zen Buddhism in Guan Xiu’s Poems (《“外师造化,中得心源”:浅论贯休诗歌的佛禅意蕴》)”. Huaxia Wenhua Luntan (《华夏文化论坛》), Vol. 21, 2019.
27. “On the Annotation of Selected Ci-poems of Tang and Song Dynasties Published in the Republican Era(《民国时期唐宋词选笺片论》)”. Journal of Ci-poetry Studies (《词学》), Vol. 1, 2020.
28. “The Space-Time Construction and Transformation of Ci-poetry Style during the Reign of the Emperor Renzong of Song (《时空建构与仁宗朝词体的转型》)”. Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition, Vol.5, 2020.