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1983-1987 BA in Chinese Language & Literature at the Department of Chinese Language & Literature, Jilin Normal University 1987-1990 MA in Modern Chinese at the Department of Chinese Language, Yanbian University under the tutorship of Mr. Cui Jiyuan. 1998/9-2001/7 PhD in Social Linguistics at the Department of Linguistics, Minzu University of China under the tutorship of Mr. Dai Qingxia.
Comparative Study between Chinese and Korean & Chinese Acquisition Studies
Language Exposure and Language Evolution & Language Situation Studies
Studies on Bilingualism of China’s Korean Ethnic Group
·Lecturer of the course of the introduction of linguistics and social linguistics for undergraduates in Chinese Language & Literature and for Kuang Yaming Experimental Class
·Lecturer of the course of the Monographic studies on social linguistics for graduates in linguistics and applied linguistics as well as doctoral candidates
·Lecturer of the course of the Monographic studies on social linguistics for doctoral candidates in linguistics and applied linguistics
·Trainer for Chinese teachers of high schools all across Japan at Osaka University of Foreign Studies, J.F.Oberlin University and the alike
·Guest Professor of Korea University
·Prize-winner of the 2007 Excellent Teaching Award of Korea University
·Peer Reviewer (通讯评审专家)of the National Social Science Fund of China

1. Monograph. The Study of the Chinese as Intermediate Language by Korean Students and the Negative Transference of Their Native Language (《韩国学生汉语中介语与母语负迁移研究》). Yanbian University Press, 2019.

2. Monograph. On Chinese Acquisition (《汉语习得研究》). Jilin University Press, 2018.

3. Monograph. Verbal Structure Comparision between Chinese and Korean and Biased Errors (《汉朝语动词性结构对比与偏误分析》). The Ethnic Publishing House, 2011.

4. Monograph. A Comparative Study of Subject Structure between Chinese and Korean (《汉朝语述宾结构对比研究》). Yanbian Education Publishing House, 2002.

1. “ The Type of Interaction between Chinese and Korean and the Evolution Mechanism ( 《汉语朝鲜语接触类型与演变机制》) “.Social Science Front, Vol.8, 2020.
2. “A Study of the Interaction between Chinese and Korean and the Language Evolution (《关于朝汉语言接触与语言演变的思考》)”. Social Science Front, Vol.8, 2019
3. “ The Realistic Predicament and Route Choice in the Comparative Study between Chinese and Korean ( 《汉韩语言对比研究的现实困境与路径选择》)”. Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition, Vol.3, 2015.
4. “ The Study of Native-language Transference for Chinese Language Learners under Korean Background (《韩国语背景的汉语学习者母语迁移研究》)”. Zhejiang Social Sciences, Vol.5, 2012.