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1989-1993 BA in Chinese Language & Literature at the Department of Chinese Language & Literature, Jilin University;
1994-1996 MA in Modern Chinese at the College of the Humanities, Jilin University;
2000-2005 PhD in Philosophy of Science and Technology, Jilin University School of Philosophy and Sociology;
·Linguistics and Applied Linguistics: Mainly in Linguistics of Ferdinand de Saussure and Linguistic Philosophy;
·The Interface between Syntactic and Semantic;
·Network Language and the Chinese Language Teaching to Foreigners;
Undergraduate courses:
·Introduction of Linguistics; Modern Chinese; Semantics and Western Schools of Linguistics;(Selective courses )
Postgraduate courses:
·Semantics;Western Schools of Linguistics; Ontological Study of Chinese and Chinese Teaching;
Classroom Observation and Practices;
Executive Member of the Linguistic Society of Jilin University (吉林省语言学会)

1. Monograph. A Thinking of the Language Structure: The Linguistic Philosophy of Ferdinand de Saussure and Its Modern Influence ( 《语言的结构之思:索绪尔语言哲学思想及其现代张力》 ). Jilin People’s Publishing House, 2008.

2. Editor-in-Chief. Teaching Simulation Training at Chinese Classes: Case Studies and Analysis ( 《汉语课堂教学模拟训练:案例与解析》). Jilin University Press, 2020.

1.“Ferdinand de Saussure and the Language Transference of Modern Western Philosophy (《索绪尔与现代西方哲学的语言转向》)”. Foreign Language Research, 2007.
2.“ A Philosophical Thinking of the Network Language Meaning Construction ( 《网络语言意义建构的哲学思考》)”. Academic Exchanges, 2011.
3.“The Metaphysical ‘Value’ and the Physical ‘Application’: A Comparative Study of Theories of Meaning from Ferdinand de Saussure and the Later Wittgenstein Ludwig(《形而上的“价值”与形而下的“用法”——索绪尔与后期维特根斯坦意义理论比较研究》)”. Studies in Dialectics of Nature, 2012.
4.“The Structure Pattern of Net-words in Chinese (《汉字类网络词语的构造规律》)”. Journal of Shenzhen University (Humanities and Social Sciences Edition), 2012.
5.“ The Gap and Link of the Semasiology between China and the West from Theories of Meaning by Li Anzhai and Ivor Armstrong Richards (《从李安宅与理查兹的意义理论看中西语义研究的断裂与对接》)”. Social Science Front,Vol.9, 2016.
6.“ The Condition and Mechanism of the Formation of Chinese Verb Serialization under the Event Structure (《事件结构视角下汉语连动式形成的条件和机制研究》)”. Contemporary Research in Modern Chinese (Japan), 2019.