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In 1998, Wang entered into the Department of Chinese Language & Literature at Jilin University for study and gained a bachelor’s degree in Chinese Language & Literature, a master’s degree in linguistics and applied linguistics as well as a doctoral degree in Chinese philology successively;
2014/6 A Trainee of the Senior Seminar of Network Training of the Course Introduction of Linguistics for Backbone Teachers of National University of the Ministry of Education
2019/7 A Trainee of the 5th Seminar of the Research on Applied Linguistics of the State Language Commission for the Outstanding Young and Middle-aged Scholars
·Functional Linguistic
·Teaching Chinese to Foreigners
·Applied Linguistics
·Writing Teaching and Chinese Education
·Presiding over projects including Youth Project of National Foundation for Philosophy and Social Sciences (国家哲学社会科学基金青年项目), Social Scientific Project of Jilin Province(吉林省社科项目), and ‘ The Thirteenth Five-Year Plan’ of the Youth Project of Scientific Research of the State Language Commission (国家语委“十三五”科研中青班项目), etc.
Undergraduate courses:
·Introduction of Linguistics
·Linguistics Studies Basis
·Linguistics Studies Skills
·Syntax Theory
Postgraduate courses:
·Syntax Theory
·Topic on Linguistic Theory, Language Teaching Research for Practice and Thesis Writing
Office of Goble Engagement courses:
·Chinese Writing
·Chinese Linguistics
·Member of the Chinese Linguistics Society;
·Member of the Linguistics Society of Jilin Province (吉林省语言学会);
·Peer Reviewer of Chinese Teaching in the World;

A Study on the Construction of Increased Quantity and Decreased Quantity of Modern Chinese (《现代汉语增量与减量构式研究》). Northeast Normal University Press, 2017.

An author of more than 10 academic papers published in journals such as Zhongguo Yuwen ( 《中国语文》), Chinese Teaching in the World, Journal of Chinese Linguistics, Contemporary Rhetoric, The Studies of Function Word of Modern Chinese and the Chinese Language Teaching to Foreigners (《现代汉语虚词研究与对外汉语教学》), etc. Representative papers:
1.“ A Study of Formation of the Emerging Popular Sentence Patten ‘Xiao(Little) + Predicate (X)’ in Modern Chinese (《现代汉语新兴流行构式“小+谓词性X”形成动因研究》)”. Zhongguo Yuwen ( 《中国语文》),Vol.2, 2017.
2. “ The Quantity in the Sentence Pattern of ‘You Dian (A Little)+Tai (Too)+A”: On the Transference of the Quantity Level of ‘You Dian (A Little) (《“有点+太+A”构式的量——兼论“有点”计量层次的迁移》) ”. Chinese Teaching in the World, Vol.3, 2013.
3.“A Study of Double Numeral-classifier Structure in News Titles from Interactive Perspective ( 《从互动角度看新闻标题中的双数量表达》) ”.Journal of Chinese Linguistics, Vol.18. The Commercial Press, 2018.