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1994 -1998 BA at the Department of Chinese Language & Literature of the College of the Humanities, Jilin University
2000-2003 MA in Comparative Literature and World Literature, Jilin University
2004 Visiting-scholar at the Communication University of China
2004-2012 PhD in Comparative Literature and World Literature, Jilin University
·Tradition and Influence of the Western Classical Literature
·British Literature
·Comparative Literature and the World Literature
·Western Literary Criticism and Theory
·History of European and American Literature
·History of Foreign Literature
·Classics Original Intensive Reading (Foreign Literature)
·Classics and European and American Literary Traditions
·Western Classical Literature
·British Literature and Classical Tradition
·British Plays and Fiction
·British Romantic Literature
·History of Western Literary Criticism
·Member of the Specialized Committee for Foreign Literature of the Chinese Higher Education Association (中国高等教育学会外国文学专业委员会)
·Member of the Chinese Association for Theory of Literary and Art (中国文艺理论学会)
·Member of the International Comparative Literature Association (国际比较文学学会)
·Member of the China Comparative Literature Association(中国比较文学学会)
·Member of the Comparative Literature Association of Jilin Province (吉林省比较文学学会)
·Member of the Linguistics Association of Jilin Province (吉林省语言学学会)

1. Sole-author. Building a Castle of Imagination: On Four English Romantic Novels (《构筑想象的城堡:四部英国浪漫主义小说研究》). Jilin People's Publishing House, 2016.

2. Author and Editor. The Founding Father of the Social Realism Novels: Charles Dickens (《狄更斯——现实主义社会小说的奠基人》). Jilin People's Publishing House, 2011.

3. Co-editor. Western Literature in the Early 20th Century (I ,II, III) ( 《西方20世纪前期文学》上、中、下). Jilin People's Publishing House, 2009.

4. Co-editor. Foreign Literature Basics (《外国文学基础》). Peking University Press, 2008.

1. “Beyond the Fairy Tale of Love: On Cultural Tradition and Experiences in Writing of Hans Christian Andersen ’s ‘The Little Mermaid’ (《超越爱情童话——安徒生< 海的女儿>的文学传统与作家创作》)”. Contention of Literary and Artistic Thought (《文艺争鸣》), 2019.
2.“Scene, Mimesis and Approach: From the Visual Art Features of Erich Auerbach’s ‘Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature’ (《场景、摹仿与方法——从奥尔巴赫< 摹仿论>的视觉艺术特征谈起》)”. Contention of Literary and Artistic Thought (《文艺争鸣》), 2017.
3. “ ‘Wind’ Echoed from Afar: Comparative Study of the ‘Xiaoyaoyou’ (the First Chapter of the ‘Zhuangzi’) and William Blake’s ‘Spring’ (《遥相应和的“风”——庄子< 逍遥游>与布莱克< 咏春>的一种比较》)”. Contention of Literary and Artistic Thought (《文艺争鸣》), 2016.
4. “Mary Shelley’s Entanglement in ‘Literary Creation’ and Her ‘Frankenstein’ (《纠葛于“创造”的玛丽·雪莱与< 弗兰肯斯坦>》)”. Writer Magazine, 2012.
5. “A Humble Discussion on How to Understand English Romantic Novels (《如何理解英国浪漫主义小说刍议》)”. Contention of Literary and Artistic Thought (《文艺争鸣》), 2012.
6. “ An Argument of the Ideal Marriage in ‘Northanger Abbey’ (《< 诺桑觉寺>的理想婚姻之辨》)”. Social Science Front, 2012.
7. “ Jane Austen’s Three Levels of Anxiety about ‘Creative Work’ from Her ‘Northanger Abbey’ (《从< 诺桑觉寺>看简·奥斯丁关于“创作”的三重焦虑》)”. Writer Magazine, 2012.
8. “ Monastery on the ‘Stage’: On Matthew Gregory Lewis’s Imitation of Play Technique in His Work of ‘The Monk’(《“舞台”上的修道院——论M·G·刘易斯的< 僧侣>对戏剧的仿拟》)”. Jilin Normal University Journal, 2012.
9. “Two Choices in the Chinese and Western Romanticism Internalization: Taking Example for ‘the Zhuangzi’ and ‘Frankenstein’ (《中西浪漫主义内在化的两种选择——以< 庄子>和< 弗兰肯斯坦>为例》)”. Qilu Journal, 2011.
10. “Rebuilding the Myth of Prometheus: Rereading of ‘Frankenstein’ ( 《重构普罗米修斯神话——再读< 弗兰肯斯坦>》)”. Social Science Front, 2011.