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1980-1984 BA at the Department of Chinese Language & Literature, Northeast Normal University
1986-1989 MA at Jilin University
1996-1999 Doctor of Philosophy
2005-2011 Doctor of Philosophy
·Studies on Lu Xun
·Studies on Mo Yan
·Modern & Contemporary Chinese Literature
·Appreciation of Modern Chinese Literature Masterpieces
·Monographic Study on Contemporary Chinese Literature
·Member of the Modern Chinese Literature Association(中国现代文学研究会)
·Member of the Lu Xun Research Association of China (中国鲁迅研究会)
·Member of the Contemporary Chinese Literature Association (中国当代文学研究会)


Dionysus’s Sing with Wild Joy and Xing Tian’s Dance with Strength (《酒神狂歌与刑天之舞》). Jilin University Press, 2018.

The Bird With Nine Heads and The Owl (《九头鸟与猫头鹰》). Times Literature and Art Publishing House, 2017.

Natural Culture and the Chinese Literature in 20th Century ( 《自然文化与二十世纪中国文学》). Jilin University Press, 1999.

Journal Article:

1. “The Application and Creation of ‘Tradition’ and ‘Folk’: On the Aesthetic Pursuit of Mo Yan’s Colorful Clothes(Jin Yi ) and The Anecdote of My Hometown(Gu Xiang Ren Shi) (传统”“民间的华用与创造——论莫言新作<锦衣><故乡人事>的美学追求》)”. Seeking Truth, Vol.1, 2020.

2. “Intervene in Social Issues with the Pioneering Spirit (《以先锋精神介入社会问题》)”. Contemporary Writers Review, Vol.3, 2020.

3. “Good Fatherhood and Others: Rereading How To Be a Father (《好父亲主义及其他——重读<我们现在怎样做父亲>)”.The Contention of Literary and Artistic Thought (《文艺争鸣》), Vol.4, 2020.

4. “ The Dedication and Indignation from an Idyllic Advocator: An Understanding of Zhang Wei (《一个田园主义者的执着与忧愤——对张炜的一种理解》)”.Contemporary Literary Criticism, Vol.3, 2020.

5. “When a Gentleman Meets a Warrior: Zhu Ziqing’s Studies of Lu Xun (《当君子遇到战士:朱自清的鲁迅论》)”. Modern Chinese Literature Studies, Vol. 3, 2019.

6. “Immerse in the Great Joy of High Spirit of Life: An Analysis of Lu Xun’s Forging the Swords from Nietzsche's Doctrine Perspective ( 《沉浸于生命飞扬的极致的大欢喜中——鲁迅<铸剑>的尼采主义视角分析》)”.The Contention of Literary and Artistic Thought ( 《文艺争鸣》), Vol.6, 2019.

7. “Follow the Great Tradition: Mo Yan’s Reading of Lu Xun and the Resonance Evoked Thereupon ( 《追随伟大的传统——莫言的鲁迅阅读及其共鸣》)”. Journal of Beihua University, Vol.3, 2019.

8. “The Oriental Phantom and Its Deconstruction: The Interpretation of the Image of China in The Shanghai Spell (《东方幻象及其解构——<上海幻梦>中的中国形象解读》)”. The Contention of Literary and Artistic Thought (《文艺争鸣》), Vol.11, 2019.

9. “Degeneration and Salvation: Zhang Wei’s A Clear Pond and the Basic Structure of His (《堕落与救赎——<一潭清水>与张炜小说的基本结构》)”. The Contention of Literary and Artistic Thought (《文艺争鸣》), Vol.10, 2019.

10. “ The Philosophy of Wild Grass and Nietzsche's Doctrine : Lu Xun’s Borrowing and Blending of Nietzsche’s Philosophy (<野草>哲学与尼采主义——鲁迅对尼采哲学的借鉴与共鸣》)”. The Contention of Literary and Artistic Thought (《文艺争鸣》), Vol.5, 2018.

11. “ The Creation and Transcendence of ‘Dreamers’: Lu Xun’s Passengers (Guo Ke) and Nietzsche’s Superman Philosophy ( 寻梦者的创造、超越之旅——鲁迅<过客>与尼采的超人哲学》)”. Huaxia Wenhua Luntan (《华夏文化论坛》), Vol.1, 2018.

12. “ An Argument of the Starting Point of the Studies on Xiao Hong(《萧红研究起点辨正》)”. Social Science Front, Vol.4, 2018.

13. Monograph. “ Dionysus’s Sing with Wild Joy and Xing Tian’s Dance with Strength (《酒神狂歌与刑天之舞——鲁迅对尼采的借用与融合》)”. Jilin University Press, 2018.

14. “ The Passion and Wisdom of Madness: Lu Xun’s Borrowing and Blending from Nietzsche’s Dionysian Spirit in A Madman’s Diary ( 《迷狂的激情与智慧——鲁迅<狂人日记>对尼采酒神精神的借用与共鸣》)”. The Contention of Literary and Artisic Thought (《文艺争鸣》), Vol.2, 2017.

15. “ The Iron Will in an Turbulent World (《动荡的世界,不屈的意志》) ”. Seeking Truth, Vol.5, 2017.

16. “The Strength and Charm of Inwardly Exploration (《向内挖掘的力量与魅力》)”.Contemporary Writers Review, Vol.6, 2017.

17. “Inheritance and Innovation (《袭旧与创新》)”. The Contention of Literary and Artistic Thought (《文艺争鸣》), Vol.12, 2017.

18. “How to Activate Lu Xun’s Spiritual Legacy? (《如何激活鲁迅的精神遗产》)”. Journal of Jilin Normal University, Vol.6, 2017.

19. “ Is Lu Xun a Literature Historian (《鲁迅是文学史家?》)”. Journal of Jilin Normal University, Vol.1, 2016..

20. “An Evil Narrative and Its Free Spirit: Another Thought of the Familial Comparability between Mo Yan and Lu Xun (《魔性叙事及其自由精神——再论莫言与鲁迅的家族性相似》)”. The Contention of Literary and Artistic Thought (《文艺争鸣》), Vol.4, 2016

21. “When Ideals and Passions are Gone (《理想与激情消失以后》)”. The Contention of Literary and Artistic Thought (《文艺争鸣》), Vol.2, 2016.

22. “A Review of Li Jingping’s Literary Criticism (《评李敬泽文学批评》)”. Contemporary Writers Review, Vol.1, 2016.

23. “An Evil Duet (《摩罗二重唱》)”. Seeking Truth, Vol.4, 2016.

24. “What Happens After a Laugh? (《笑过之后怎么办?》)”. Jilin Daily-Supplement of The Northeast Culture.

25. “ On Western Literary Theory from an Individual Point of View: Zhang Jiang’s ‘Forcible Interpretation Theory’ and the Construction of Chinese Literary Theory (《用自己的眼光看西方文论——张江的强制阐释论与中国文论建设》)”. The Contention of Literary and Artistic Thought (《文艺争鸣》), Vol.3, 2015.

26. “The Red Sorghum Family and the Basic Structure of Mo Yan’s Novels ( <红高粱家族>与莫言小说的基本结构》)”. Contemporary Writers Review, Vol.6, 2015.

27. “ The Literariness and the College Education of the Literary History: A Thought of the History and the Teaching of Modern & Contemporary Chinese Literature Centered on Writers’ Works (《文学史的文学性与大学教育——对以作家作品为中心的中国现当代文学史及其教学的思考》)”. Journal of Yuxi Normal University, Vol. 2, 2015.

28. “ Positive Romanticism and the Mode in the Northeast China: A Close Encounter of Xiao Jun and Xiao Hong with Lu Xun’s Spirit ( 《摩罗气与东北风——萧军、萧红与鲁迅精神的相遇》 )”. Literature and Art Newspaper (《文艺报》), on Dec. 21st, 2015.

29. “Sun Xiaobao and His Jianghu of Errenzhuan(《孙小宝的二人转江湖》)”. Jilin Daily-Supplement of The Northeast Culture, Nov.12th, 2015.

30. “Lu Xun and His Dark and Devil-like Narrative ( 《终于黑的恶鬼似的站着鲁迅》)”. Literature and Culture Studies, Vol.2, 2015.

31. “A Cruel Mercy: The Original Sin of Mo Yan’s Sandalwood Death and Its Merciful Feelings (《残酷的慈悲——莫言<檀香刑>的存在原罪与悲悯情怀》)”. Contemporary Writers Review, Vol.3, 2014.

32. “ The Familial Comparability between Mo Yan and Lu Xun (《莫言与鲁迅的家族性相似》 )”. Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition , Vol.3, 2014.

[Reprint by the Journal Copies (E-journal) of Renmin University of China : The Study of Modern & Contemporary Chinese Literature (人大复印资料《中国现代、当代文学研究》 ) of its issuance of Vol. 7, 2014]

33. “ The Art Value of Mo Yan’s The Garlic Ballads (《莫言<天堂蒜薹之歌>的艺术价值》)”. Social Science Front, Vol.9, 2014.

34. “The Pioneering Text for Daily Narrative in the New Era (《新时期文学日常叙事的先驱文本》)”. The Contention of Literary and Artistic Thought (《文艺争鸣》), Vol.7, 2014.

35. “ The Beauty of Fantasy: The Imaginary Game Composed by Wang Xiaobo (《虚构之美:王小波小说的想象力游戏》)”. Seeking Truth, Vol.6, 2014.

36. “A Contemporary Narrative of the ‘Cannibalism’ Tragedy: The Spiritual Connection between Li Peifu’s Send You A Neem Flower and Lu Xun’s A Madman’s Diary (吃人悲剧的当代叙事——李佩甫<送你一朵苦楝花>与鲁迅<狂人日记>的精神联系》) ”. Academic exchanges, Vol.9, 2014.

37. “ Behind the Back of ‘Enthusiasm’ and ‘Solemnity’: The Aesthetics and Cultural Root of the Debate between Lu Xun and Zhu Guangqian (热烈静穆的背后——鲁迅与朱光潜论争的美学、文化根源》)”. Lu Xun Research Monthly, Vol.10, 2014.

38. “Mo Yan and the Errenzhuan (《莫言与二人转》 )”. Jilin Daily-Supplement of The Northeast Culture, on July 17th, 2014.

39. “ The Pioneering Folk and the Folk Pioneer: Another Thought on Mo Yan’s Literature and the Errenzhuan (《先锋的民间与民间的先锋——再谈莫言文学与二人转》)”. .Jilin Daily-Supplement of The Northeast Culture, on Sep. 25th, 2014.

40. “A Storm Maker: On Hu Donglin’s Romantic Character (《一个有风暴的人——谈胡冬林的浪漫品格》)”.  Literature and Art Newspaper (《文艺报》), on June 4th,  2015.

41. “ Li Peifu: An Underestimated Writer ( 《李佩甫:一个被低估的作家》) ”. Novel Review (《小说评论》). Vol.2, 2013.

42. “A Mix of Idyllic and Anti-idyllic Narrative: On Li Peifu’s Red Grasshoppers & Green Grasshoppers and His Aesthetic Tradition of Modern Idyllic Novels (《田园与反田园叙事的混合——论李佩甫<红蚂蚱 绿蚂蚱>及其现代田园小说审美传统》 )”. The Contention of Literary and Artistic Thought (《文艺争鸣》), Vol.6, 2013

43. “ An Useful Attempt for Seeking Breakthrough: A Review of Inter-art Studies of Lu Xun’s Novels Written by Xu Zuhua and Other Joint Authors (《寻求突破的有益尝试——评许祖华等的<鲁迅小说的跨艺术研究>)”. Lu Xun Research Monthly, Vol.3, 2013.

44. “ An Anxious Heart on a Piece of Fragmented Land : The Emotion World and Value Orientation of Li Peifu’s Long-length Novel Book of Life ( 《焦虑的心灵,破碎的土地——李佩甫长篇小说<生命册>的情感世界与价值取向》)”. Huaxia Wenhua Luntan (《华夏文化论坛》), Vol.9, 2013.

45. “The Theme Construction and Aesthetic Expression of Xiao Hong’s Works (《萧红作品的主题建构及审美表现》)”. Literature and Art Criticism, Vol.6, 2013.

46. “On the Historical Variation of Xiao Hong’s Image (《论萧红形象的历史变异》)”. Journal of Hohai University, Vol.1, 2013.

47. “Why Did Lu Xun Rewrite Confucius and Laozi (《鲁迅为何要改写孔子和老子》)”. The Contention of Literary and Artistic Thought (《文艺争鸣》), Vol.5, 2012.

[Reprint by the Journal Copies (E-journal) of Renmin University of China : The Study of Modern & Contemporary Chinese Literature (人大复印资料《中国现代、当代文学研究》 ) of its issuance of Vol. 8, 2012]

48. “ Poetic Distillation of Hostility: The Aesthetic Analysis on the Debate between Lu Xun and Liang Shiqiu (《对敌意的诗性升华——鲁迅与梁实秋论战的审美分析》)”. Seeking Truth, Vol.5, 2012.

49. “Maniac Everywhere: On the Vanguard Role of Yu Hua’s Medium-length Novel A Mistake Made by the Riverside (《每个人都是疯子——论余华中篇小说<河边的错误>的先锋特质》)”. Journal of Jilin Normal University, Vol.6, 2012.

50. “The Creation Mechanism and Value Orientation in Ancient Chinese Mythology Retelling: Taking Examples for the Rewriting of Chang Er Flies to the Moon and Hou Yi Shooting the Sun (《论重述神话的创作机制及其价值取向——以奔月、射日的重写为例》)”. Novel Review (《小说评论》). Vol.1, 2012.

51. “How Come the Literary Flowering in the May Fourth Movement If Without the 1911 Revolution (《没有辛亥革命,何来五四文学——辛亥革命与五四文学革命的发生》)”. Magazine Office of Study & Exploration, Vol.5, 2011.

52. “Give Ear to the Heartbeat of the City (《倾听城市的心音》)”.  Jiangcheng Daily, on August 31st, 2011((Edition 7).

53. “Indigenization: A Modern Variant of ‘Imperial Court Mindset’-A Cultural Retrospection Evoked by ‘Gu Bin Event’ (《本土化:天朝心态的现代变型——顾彬事件引起的文化反思》)”. Dongyue Tribune, Vol.5, 2011.

54. “ The Deadly Freedom: The Features and Contemporary Significance of Lu Xun’s Spiritual Heritage(《致命的自由——鲁迅精神遗产的特征及其当代意义》)”. The Contention of Literary and Artistic Thought (《文艺争鸣》), Vol.5, 2011

55. “ Mad Zhuangzi Overwhelms Vulgar Zhuangzi: Criticism and Inheritance of Zhuangzi’s Philosophy in Lu Xun’s Resurrecting the Dead (《狂人庄子对庸俗庄子的颠覆——鲁迅<起死>对庄子精神的批判与继承》)”. Journal of Jilin Normal University, Vol.2, 2011.

56. “Immerse in the Spirit of the Heaven and Earth: On Lu Xun’s Willpower of Life and the Taoist Culture (《独与天地精神往来——鲁迅生命意志与道家文化的关联》)”. Modern Chinese Literature Studies, Vol. 3, 2011.

57. “Errenzhuan and Its Justification for Marketization( 《二人转及其市场化的合理性》)”. Drama Literature (《戏剧文学》), Vol.3, 2011.

58. “Frigid Compassion and Entwined Sympathy: An Analysis of Embodied Affection in Eileen Chang’s Little Reunion (《冷峻的悲悯,纠结的同情——对张爱玲<小团圆>情思内蕴的分析》)”. The Contention of Literary and Artistic Thought (《文艺争鸣》), Vol.1, 2011.

59. “Enlightenment Advocates for Lack of Enlightening Mindset: The Historical Restrictions of the May Fourth Movement(《启蒙者的非启蒙心态——五四新文化运动的历史局限》)”. Seeking Truth, Vol.1, 2010.

60. “Re-composition and De-familiarization of Knowledge: A Thought of Meng Fanhua & Cheng Guangwei’s A History of Contemporary Chinese Literature ( 《知识的重组与陌生化——读孟繁华、程光炜的<中国当代文学发展史>)”. Southern Cultural Forum, Vol.1, 2010.

61. “Lu Xun’s Narrative in a Mad Manner and the Taoist Culture ( 《鲁迅的疯狂叙事与道家文化》)”. Journal of Jilin Normal University, Vol.6, 2010.

62. “The Taoism Spirits in Lu Xun's Last Essay Death: Death Attitudes of Wei-Jin Style(《面对死亡的魏晋风度” ——鲁迅临终散文<>的道家文化意蕴》)”. Journal of Jilin University, Vol.6, 2010.

63. “Between Heaven and Earth No Place He Can Escape To: Correlation between Lu Xun’s Thought of Tragedy of Human Existence and Taoist Tragic Theory(《无所逃于天地之间——鲁迅思想人的存在悲剧与道家悲剧论的联系》)”. Academic Exchanges, Vol.12, 2010.

64. “Crocodile’s Tenderness in the Blood-field and the Sense of Wild Humor: The Nostalgic Complex and Reckless Satire in Mo Yan’s Proses(《鳄鱼的血地温情与狂放幽默——莫言散文的故乡情结与恣肆反讽》)”. Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition, Vol.4, 2009.

65. “Yuhua: Stare Life Tragedies with a Cold Eye-Yu Hua’s Novels and Their Significance in Literature History (《余华:生命悲剧的冷峻凝视——余华小说及其文学史意义》)”. Journal of Jilin Normal University, Vol.2, 2009..

66. “ A Song-and-Dance Duet in the Northeast of China: The Life Force of Vulgar Culture (《二人转:俗文化的生命力》)”. Jilin Daily-Supplement of the Northeast Culture, on June 11th, 2009.

67. “A Brave Strike by a Man of Will : Another Thought of Lu Xun’s Anti-tradition Idea (《一个意志主义者的勇敢搏击——对鲁迅反传统的再思考》)”.The Contention of Literary and Artistic Thought (《文艺争鸣》), Vol.11, 2009.

68. “On Vanguard Character of from the Literature and Art Movie The Sun Also Rises ( 《从电影<太阳照常升起>看文艺作品的先锋性》)”. Academic exchanges, Vol.7, 2009.

69. A Madman’s Diary and the Life Structure of Lu Xun’s Literature (III) (《狂人日记与鲁迅文学的生命结构》(三))”. Lu Xun Research Monthly, Vol.4, 2008.

[P.S: In the Zhang Mengyang’s review “Professor Wang Xueqian’s academic papers ( which were published in the Vol.6 and Vol.7 of Lu Xun Research Monthly in 2007) and a serial of “A Madman’s Diary and the Life Structure of Lu Xun’s Literature ( which were published in the Vol.4 of Lu Xun Research Monthly in 2008) carry a big weight in the realm of Lu Xun research in recent years”. Wang’s articles argue “ The quintessential charm of A Madman’s Diary lies in its concentration of Lu Xun’s literary spirit, which is Lu Xun’s tragic experience of life, to the maximum extent. The life tragedy is to experience a tragic sense of human existence and regard such tragic suffering as the nature of humankind and world. Based on such proposition, Wang then provide extensive, careful and rigorous narrative to support” said Zhan Mengyang in his Review of the Studies on Lu Xun Conducted by New Research Fellow in the New Century (II) ( 《新世纪鲁迅学的新人新作述评》(下)) published in Journal of Southwest Normal University of Vol.7, 2009.]

70. “New Sinology Movement: Cross-century Cultural Romanticism (《新国学运动:跨世纪的文化浪漫主义》)”. Seeking Truth, Vol.2, 2008.

[Reprint by the Journal Copies (E-journal) of Renmin University of China : The Study of Modern & Contemporary Chinese Literature (人大复印资料《中国现代、当代文学研究》 ) of its issuance of Vol. 8, 2008]

71. “Madness· Childhood· Rabbits & Cats : The Three Metaphor for Nature and Life in Call To Arms and Pang Huang (Wandering) (《疯狂·童年·兔和猫——<呐喊><彷徨>中的三种自然及其生命隐喻》)”. The Contention of Literary and Artistic Thought ( 《文艺争鸣》 ), Vol.9, 2008. 《中国现当代文学研究》转载,20092

[Reprint by the Journal Copies (E-journal) of Renmin University of China : The Study of Modern & Contemporary Chinese Literature (人大复印资料《中国现代、当代文学研究》 ) of its issuance of Vol. 2, 2009]

72. “Curses of a Witch and the Gospel of an Angel :A Comparative Study between Lin Bai’s All Things on Earth in Blossom and Bi Shumin’s Woman Workers ( 《女巫魔语与天使福音——林白<万物花开>与毕淑敏 <女工> 的比较分析》)". Journal of Jilin Normal University, Vol.3, 2008.

73. “The Red Classics and Their Contemporary Significance ( 《红色经典及其当代意义》)”. Journal of Education Institute of Jilin Province, Vol.1, 2008.

74. “ Less Morals, More Literature(《少谈点道德,多研究些文学》)”. Huaxia Wenhua Luntan (《华夏文化论坛》), Vol.3, 2008

75. “A Born Inferior (《先天性虚弱》)”. Journal of Huaibei Normal University, Vol.2, 2008.

76. “ Love and Death: Drawing Pictures of Desire in a Cold World (《爱与死:在冷酷的世界中绘制欲望的图案》)”. Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition, Vol.2, 2007.

[Reprint by the Journal Copies (E-journal) of Renmin University of China : The Study of Modern & Contemporary Chinese Literature (人大复印资料《中国现代、当代文学研究》 ) of its issuance of Vol. 6, 2007]

77. “Lu Xun and Nietzsche: The Outline of the Philosophical Relations ( 《鲁迅与尼采——哲学思想关系论纲》)”. The Contention of Literary and Artistic Thought (《文艺争鸣》), Vol.5, 2007.

78. “Fear: The Dark Experience of Life and World (《恐惧:人生、世界的黑色体验》)”. Masterpieces Review, Vol.3, 2007.

79. “Taoist Culture: The Traditional Source of Lu Xun’s Life Awareness (《道家文化:鲁迅生命意识的传统资源》)”. Qilu Journal, Vol.2, 2007.

80. “The Construction of the ‘New Nationality’: The Position of Guo Chengqing in Literary History (《构建新国民性”——郭澄清的文学史位置》)”. Journal of Qiqihar University, Vol.3, 2007.

81. “ Affinity to the Masses or Citizenship : All Lead to the Same Psychology-An Analysis of the Affinity with the Masses and Citizenship in Literary Argument (《人民性与公民性:两种语言一种心态——对人民性与公民性文学论争的分析》)”. Journal of Jilin Normal University, Vol.2, 2007.

82. “ The Left-wing Tradition and Confucian Essence: The Theoretical Misunderstanding of Li Jianjun’s Literary Criticism (《左翼传统与儒家诗教——李建军文学批评的理论误区》)”. Journal of Education Institute of Jilin Province, Vol.3, 2007.

83. A Madman’s Diary and the Life Structure of Lu Xun’s Literature (I) ( 《狂人日记与鲁迅文学的生命结构》(一))”. Lu Xun Research Monthly, Vol.6, 2007.

84. A Madman’s Diary and the Life Structure of Lu Xun’s Literature (II) (《狂人日记与鲁迅文学的生命结构》(二))”. Lu Xun Research Monthly, Vol.7, 2007.

85. “The Structure and Cultural Type Analysis of Lu Xun’s View of Life and World in His Youth (《青年鲁迅的生命世界观结构及其文化类型分析》)”. Modern Chinese Literature Studies, Vol. 2, 2006.

[Reprint by the Journal Copies (E-journal) of Renmin University of China : The Study of Modern & Contemporary Chinese Literature (人大复印资料《中国现代、当代文学研究》 ) of its issuance of Vol. 11, 2006]

86. “The Free Spirit and College Education (《自由精神与大学教育》)”. China University Teaching, Vol.2, 2006.

87. “Lu Xun: From Political Classics, Cultural Classics to Literature Classics (《鲁迅:从政治经典、文化经典到文学经典》)”. Journal of Taishan University, Vol.5, 2006.

88. “ Between Life and Sense: My Humble Opinion on Spirit of the Humanities (《生命与理性之间——关于人文精神讨论之我见》)”. Journal of Jilin Normal College (《吉林师范学院学报》), Vol.7, 1996.

Included in Research Materials of Zhang Wei-Compilation of Research Materials in the New Era (《张炜研究资料》新时期文学研究资料汇编). Editor-in-chief of Kong Fanjin. Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art, 2006.

89. “The Practice and Thinking of Literature Education for Non-Chinese Language & Literature Majors (《非中文专业文学教育的实践与思考》)”. The Second Volume of Innovation, Reformation and Practice(《创新改革与实践》). Jilin University Press, Aug. 2006.

90. “ On Lu Xun’s Noumenon of Life (《鲁迅的生命本体论》). Included in the Of Lasting Influence : The Collected Academic Papers of the 48th Anniversary of Mr. Liu Zhongshu’s Teaching Career (《山高水长——刘中树先生执教48年纪念学术论文集》)”. Changchun Publishing House, Nov. 2006.

91. “ Question Political Revolution with Free Will: On Debates between Lu Xun and the Sun Society and the Creation Society (《以自由意志质疑政治革命——关于鲁迅与太阳社、创造社的论争》)”. Qilu Journal, Vol.2, 2005.

92. The Wolf Totem and the Life Narrative in the Literary Works of the New Century (<狼图腾>与新世纪文学生命叙事》 )”. The Contention of Literary and Artistic Thought (《文艺争鸣》), Vol.2, 2005.

93. “ The Quest for the Freedom of Life(《探寻生命自由》)”. Lu Xun Research Monthly, Vol.7, 2005.

94. “ The Construction of Harmonious Society and the Value Choice by Intellectuals(《和谐社会建构与知识分子的价值选择》)”. Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition, Vol.6, 2005.

95. “ A Life Observation of Scientific Sense: On Lu Xun’s Early Scientific Thought (《科学理性的生命观照——论鲁迅早期的科学思想》)”. Qilu Journal, Vol.2, 2004.

96. “ Anti-Traditions: The Pinnacle of Free Will Experience- On Anti-traditional Life Awareness of Lu Xun (《反传统:自由意志的高峰体验——论鲁迅反传统的生命意识》)”. Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition, Vol.4, 2004.

97. “ Onlookers: A Metaphor for Life Tragedy-An Interpretation on Life for Lu Xun’s ‘Onlookers’ (《看客:生命悲剧的隐喻——对鲁迅看客的生命解读》)”. Journal of Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities, Vol.5, 2004.

98. “ Free Will: The Features of Lu Xun’s Life Principle in His Youth(《自由意志:青年鲁迅生命主义特质》)”. Social Science Front, Vol.5, 2004.

99. “ On Chinese Literature in 1990s of the 20th Century (《论20世纪90年代中国文学》)”. Journal of Beihua University, Vol.1, 2004.

100.“ Fire and Ice: The Starting Point of Lu Xun’s Purgatory of Life: An Interpretation of Life from one of Lu Xun’s Prose Pomes Say to Oneself (《火的冰:鲁迅生命炼狱的起点——鲁迅第一篇散文诗<自言自语>生命解读》)”. Lu Xun Research Monthly, Vol.11, 2004.

101. “ Enter into the Gorge: An Understanding of the Youth of Lu Xun ( 《走进峡谷——对于青年鲁迅的认识》)”. Journal of Education Institute of Jilin Province, Vol.1, 2003.

102. “ The Aesthetic Observation of Cognitive Desire: The Perspective of Human Nature in Realist Aesthetics (《认知欲望的审美观照——现实主义美学的人性之维》)”. Journal of Jilin Normal University, Vol.5, 2003.

103. “ Free Will and Its Trap: The Bidirectional Analysis on Lu Xun’s Life Awareness (《自由意志及其陷阱——对鲁迅生命意识的双向分析》)”. Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition , Vol.5, 2003.

104.“An Exploration of Humanistic Education in Universities: A Review of Xia Zhongyi’s College Textbook of Humanities (《大学人文教育的探索——评夏中义主编的<大学人文读本>)”. Journal of Changchun University of Technology (Social Sciences), Vol.3, 2003.

105. “The Distillation of the Spiritual Trauma: The Psychological Factor of Lu Xun’s Idea of ‘Remould National Characteristics’ ( 《精神创伤的升华――鲁迅改造国民性思想开成的心理因素》)”. Qilu Journal, Vol.1, 2002.

106. “ The Cry from the Deep Heart: On the Awareness of Life in A Madman’s Diary (《来自生命深处的呐喊――<狂人日记>的生命意识》)”. Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition , Vol.6, 2002.

107. “ On Rural Fiction in 20th Century (《论20世纪乡土小说》 )”. Journal of Northeast Normal University, Vol. 4, 2001.

108. “ On Lu Xun’s Free Willpower (《论鲁迅的自由意志》)”. Journal of Hainan Normal University, Vol. 1, 2000.

109. “ A Replication of Tradition (《传统的复制》)”. Journal of Beihua University, Vol.2, 2000.

110. “ Social Modernity and Cultural Modernity ( 《社会现代性与文学现代性》)”. The Contention of Literary and Artistic Thought ( 《文艺争鸣》), Vol.5, 2000.

111. “ Criticism of Human Nature and the Hardship of Life: The Deep Meaning of Fortress Besieged ( 《人性批判与人生忧患——<围城>的深层意蕴》)”. Journal of Dandong Teachers , Vol.3, 1999.

112. “ On the Cultural Significance of the Patriotism in Nirvana of Phoenix ( 《论<凤凰涅槃>爱国主义的文化意义》)”. Journal of Northeast Normal University, Vol. 4, 1999.

113. “Warriors That Can Never Reach the End ( 《未能抵达终点的勇士》 )”. Literature Talks, Vol.1, 1999.

Included into 200 Essays at the End of the Century( 《世纪末杂文200篇》). Editor-in-Chief Zhu Dalu. Wenhui Press, Feb. 2001.

114. “ A New Discussion on Lu Xun’s My Old Home (《鲁迅<故乡>新论》)”. Modern Chinese Literature Studies, Vol. 2, 1999.

115. “Novels and Nature Culture in the New Era ( 《新时期小说与自然文化》)”. Social Sciences in Heilongjiang, Vol.2, 1999.  

116. “ Return to Nature: Evolvement Process of Modern Chinese Novels of Artistic Conception (《回归自然——中国现代意境小说发展脉络》)”. Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition, 1999.

117. “On Modern Shift of Ancient Literary Theory (《论古代文论的现代转换》)”. Journal of Hulan Teachers College (Philosophy and Social Sciences), Vol.4, 1999.

118.“ Free Will and Free State: On Nature in Lu Xun’s Early Novels (《自由意志与自由境界——论鲁迅前期小说中的自然》)”. Journal of Northeast Normal University, Vol. 3, 1998.

[Reprint by the Journal Copies (E-journal) of Renmin University of China : The Study of Modern & Contemporary Chinese Literature (人大复印资料《中国现代、当代文学研究》 ) of its issuance of Vol. 8, 1998]

119. “ The Perpetual Desires and Impulsion : On Nature Awareness in Lu Xun’s Novels ( 《永久的渴望与冲动——论鲁迅小说的自然意识》)”. Journal of Jilin Normal University (《吉林师范学院学报》), Vol.2, 1997.

120. “Existence and Transcendence: On the Existence and Freedom of Characters in Lu Xun’s Novels (《存在与超越——论鲁迅小说中人的存在和自由》)”.  Lu Xun Research Monthly, Vol.10, 1997.

121. “ The Basic Proposition of Lu Xun’s Early Cultural Choice: Intellectual Enlightenment and Moral Redemption (《鲁迅早期文化选择的基本命题:思想启蒙与道德救赎》)”. Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition , Vol.6, 1997. Extracted by the China University Academic Abstracts in its issuance of Vol.1, 1998.

122.“Seeking the Spiritual Homeland: On the Belongingness of Nature in Xiao Hong’s Tales of Hulan River (《寻找精神的家园——论萧红<呼兰河传>中的自然归属意识》)”. Social Science Front, Vol.5, 1996.

123. “ Between Life and Sense: My Humble Opinion on Spirit of the Humanities (《生命与理性之间——关于人文精神讨论之我见》)”. Journal of Jilin Normal University ( 《吉林师范学院学报》), 1996.

124. “Review and Outlook of the Literature at the End of the Century( 《世纪末文学的回顾与展望》)”. Literature and Art Criticism, Vol.5, 1996.

125. “ Loneliness and Beyond: On Early Work of Mu Mutian’s Poetry Anthology Travelling Mind (《孤独与超越孤独——论穆木天早期诗集<旅心>)”. Included into Collected Papers of Studies on Mu Mutian (《穆木天研究论文集》). Times Literature and Art Publishing House, Dec. 1990.

126.“ ‘Freak’, A Product of the Chinese and Western Cultural Mix: Review of Qian Zhongshu’s Fortress Besieged ( 《中西文化交汇中的畸形儿”——钱钟书<围城>评析》)”.

Included into Selective Masterpieces of Modern Chinese Literature (《中国现代文学名著选讲》). Huazhong University of Science & Technology Press, Dec. 1990.

127. “On the Sense of Loneliness of Fiction during the Period of the May Fourth Movement (《论五四小说中的孤独感》 )”. Journal of Jilin Normal University ( 《吉林师范学院学报》), Vol.1, 1991.

128. “Symbolism of Nationalization: On the National Traits of the Poetry Anthology Travelling Mind” (《民族化的象征主义——<旅心>的民族色彩》)”. Journal of Jilin Normal University (《吉林师范学院学报》), Vol.4, 1994.

Scientific Research Projects:

1. Humanities and Social Sciences Fund Project of Jilin University: Modern Chinese Literature (Start-up time: March, 2000); Grand budget: RMB 5,000. (Card No.:162000851017);

2 Social Sciences Fund Project of Jilin Province(Start-up time:August,2003): Lun Xun’s Life Consciousness (鲁迅的生命意识). Grant budget: RMB 5,000 (No.:2003017;

3. Social Sciences Fund Project of Jilin Province: Immerse in the Spirit of the Heaven and Earth: On Lu Xun’s Willpower of Life and the Taoist Culture (独与天地精神往来——鲁迅生命意志与道家文化). Approved in May 2008; Grant No.: 2008Bwx03;

4. Interdisciplinary project of Jilin University (Startup time: June, 2005): Narrative of Life in Lu Xun’s Literature World (鲁迅文学世界的生命叙事). The tender project No.: 15; Financial settlement card No. : 419060501402; Project budget: RMB 60,000;

5. Key Projects of the Ministry of Education: The Study of Marxist Theory and Key Textbook Compilation of the Construction Project: The History of Chinese Literature in 20th Century. As the main researcher of the project. The total budget is RMB500,000 with RMB 50,000 for each main researcher. Grant No. 09JZDMG001;

6. Notice on the 2010 Arrangement of Research Topics of Provincial Government Policy-making Advisory Committee (Legal Advisor) of the General Office of the People’s Government of Jilin Province: Development and Expansion of the Countermeasures Research Group of the Cultural Industry in Jilin Province. Group Leader: Zhang Fugui. Group members: Wang Xueqian and Liang Lizhong. Grant budget: RMB 10,000 for each group member;

7. “New Sinology Movement: Cross-century Cultural Romanticism-Culture Confirmation and Function Interpretation of the New Sinology (《新国学运动:跨世纪的文化浪漫主义——对新国学的文化确认与功能分析》)”. Seeking Truth, Vol.2, 2008. (Won the Second-prize of the Outstanding Achievements in Social Science of Jilin Province in 2010 & the Outstanding Achievement of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan in Philosophy and Social Sciences of Jilin University in 2011) ;

8. The Basic Scientific Research Operating Expenses Project of Jilin University-Seed Capital Project: Dionysus’s Sing with Wild Joy and Xing Tian’s Dance with Strength (《酒神狂歌与刑天之舞》). Project budget: RMB 30,000. Start-up Time: Nov. 2011. Project Closed;

9. The General Project of the Humanities and Social Sciences of the Ministry of Education: Lu Xun’s Borrowing and Blending from Nietzsche (鲁迅对尼采的借用与融合). Project duration: 201509-201904; Grant No. :15YJA751029. Project Closure Report issued on April 2019;

10. The Horizontal Project: Practice and Exploration of the Campus Culture Construction in Primary and Secondary Schools; Project duration: 201905-202205;

Teaching Projects:

1. The Teaching Reform Project of Jilin University: The Courseware for the Appreciation of Chinese Literature in 20th Century, 2000

2. The New-century Teaching Reform Project of Jilin University: Training and Developing of the Literature Cultivation and Humanistic Quality-Practice and Research of Literature Education for Non-Chinese Language & Literature Majors. Grant Capital: RMB10, 000; Grant No. 20003115;

3. The Second Batch of the Major Project of the Undergraduate Teaching Reform of Jilin University (The Academic Affairs Office of Jilin University): The Elementary Reading of Modern Chinese Literature and the Training Practice of Scientific Research Capacity for Undergraduates in the Discipline of Chinese Language & Literature. Project budget: RMB10, 000 granted in 2010;

4. Postgraduate Teaching Reform Project of Jilin University: Teaching Practice of Intensive Reading of Research Teaching Texts. Project budget: RMB10, 000 granted in Dec. 2011;

Academic Awards

1.Academic PaperA New Study on Lu Xun’s ‘My Old Home’ (《鲁迅<故乡>新论》)

Excellent Award of “The Outstanding Scientific Research Achievement in Humanities & Social Sciences of Jilin University” (“吉林大学人文社会科学优秀科研成果奖”) in 2000;

Excellent Achievement in Literature Research ( “文学研究优秀成果奖” )of the Literature Association of Jilin Province(吉林省文学学会)in 2000;

2.Monograph: Natural Culture and the Chinese Literature in 20th Century (《自然文化与二十世纪中国文学》)

“First-prize of Changbai Mountains Excellent Books of Jilin Province”(“吉林省长白山优秀图书一等奖”) in 2000.

3 Academic Paper: The Free Spirit and College Education: On College Education of Humanistic Quality (《自由精神与大学教育——谈大学人文素质教育》)

The Third-prize of the Sixth Outstanding Achievements in Education and Science of Jilin University (吉林省第六届教育科学优秀成果三等奖) in Dec, 2009.

4.Academic Paper: New Sinology Movement: Cross-century Cultural Romanticism-Culture Confirmation and Function Interpretation of the New Sinology (《新国学运动:跨世纪的文化浪漫主义——对新国学的文化确认与功能分析》)

2008/12/6The First-prize of the Excellent Academic Papers of the Aesthetics Association of Jilin University(吉林省美学学会优秀论文);

2010/8/17The Third-prize of the Fourth Outstanding Achievements in Social Science of Changchun City, Jilin Province (第四届长春市社会科学优秀成果)

2010/12The Second-prize of the Eighth Outstanding Achievements in Social Science of Jilin Province(吉林省第八届社会科学优秀成果)

5. Academic Paper in 2011: Immerse in the Spirit of the Heaven and Earth: On the Correlation between Lu Xun’s Willpower of Life and the Taoist Culture ( 《独与天地精神往来——鲁迅生命意志与道家文化的关联》).

The Third-prize of the Academic Paper in Social Science of Jilin University (吉林省社会科学学术论文)

6. Academic Paper in 2011: Madness· Childhood· Rabbits & Cats : The Three Metaphor for Nature and Life in Call To Arms and Pang Huang (Wandering) (《疯狂·童年·兔和猫——<呐喊><彷徨>中的三种自然及其生命隐喻》).

The Achievement Award of the First Excellent Papers of Social Science Fund Project of Jilin Province(吉林省首届社会科学基金项目优秀论文成果奖)

7 In terms of the “Curriculum System Reform and Teaching Practice of Modern & Contemporary Chinese Literature”(“中国现当代文学课程体系改革与教学实践”):

1)(2001/12The First-prize of the “University Teaching Achievement Award” of Jilin University (吉林大学校级教学成果奖”)

2)(2001The Third-prize of the “Teaching Achievement Award of Higher Education in Jilin Province” (“吉林省高等教育教学成果”)

3)(2005The First-prize of the “Teaching Achievement Award of Higher Education in Jilin Province “(“吉林省高等教育教学成果”) (The third-man among prizewinners)

42005 The First-prize of the “University Teaching Achievement Award” of Jilin University (吉林大学校级教学成果奖”) (The first-man among prizewinner)

52005 The First-prize of the “University Teaching Achievement Award” of Jilin University (吉林大学校级教学成果奖”) (The third-man among prizewinners)

6Zhong Liu and Himalayan Fund Grants (Teachers Award) (中流与喜玛拉雅基金奖助)(From 2003/4 to 2004/10)

Other Honors

1. Honor of ‘Demonstration Lesson Teacher’ of Jilin University in 2013;

2. Honor of ‘Demonstration Lesson Teacher’ of Jilin University in 2006;

3. Excellent Teacher Award of Jilin Province in 2014;

4. Outstanding Contribution Award of Jilin Province in 2014
