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1997-2001 BA at the Jilin University of Arts;
2002-2003 Research and studies at Communication University of China;
2005-2007 MA at the College of the Humanities of Jilin University;
2011-2015 PhD in Linguistics at the College of the Humanities of Jilin University;
2016 Post-doctor of Linguistics at the Northeast Normal University;
2018 Visiting Scholar at Hokkaido University, Japan
·Broadcasting Art
·Broadcasting Language
·Modern & Contemporary Literature
·Broadcasting Pronunciation Basics (《播音语音基础》)
·Radio Broadcasting Hosting Art (《广播播音主持艺术》)
·Broadcasting Vocalization(《播音发声》)
·Broadcasting Creation Basics (I) (《播音创作基础I》)
·Broadcasting Creation Basics (II) (《播音创作基础II》)
·Broadcasting Performance of Literary and Artistic Works (《文艺作品演播》)
·Radio & Television Broadcasting Creation (《广播电视播音创作》)
2001/7 Master Supervisor of the College of Journalism and Communication of Jilin University;
2005/5 Test Controller of the Putonghua Proficiency Test of the State Language Commission;
2011/3-Now Research Fellow of Artistic Language Vocalization System of the Recitation and Singing Professional Committee of the Poetry Institute of China;
2014/4-Now Broadcasting Anchorman Appraisal Judge of Changchun Television Station Broadcasting Anchorman Management Office & Changchun Radio and TV Station

Monograph. The Demonstration Research on Broadcasting Pause-Play’ Mode (《播音语言停连模式的实证研究》);

Co-editor. The Hosting Arts of Broadcasting Programs ( 《广播节目主持艺术》).

1. “ Japanese Movie Parasyte: The Gambling from Life to Freedom (《日本电影< 寄生兽>——从生命到自由的博弈》)”. The Contention of Literary and Artistic Thought (《文艺争鸣》)(CSSCI), Vol.8, 2020.
2. “The Influence of Japanese National Characters over the Japanese Movies (《日本民族性对日本电影的影响》)”.The Contention of Literary and Artistic Thought (《文艺争鸣》)(CSSCI), Vol.2, 2020.
3. “ A Study of Language Aesthetics from Cross-cultural Communication Perspective (《跨文化传播视域中的语言美学研究》)”. Huaxia Wenhua Luntan (《华夏文化论坛》), Vol.21, 2019.
4. “On Female Consciousness of Ding Ling’s Mode of Creation under Two Historical Transformations (《论丁玲创作模式两次历史转型下的女性意识》)”. The Contention of Literary and Artistic Thought (《文艺争鸣》)(CSSCI), Vol.8, 2018.
5. “ The Drawback of the Using Artistic Language as an Education Transmitter for Youngsters (《青少年艺术语言教育话筒使用的弊端》)”. Ming Magazine (《明日风尚》), Vol.21, 2018.
6. “On Peasant-workers’ Media Literacy (《农民工媒介素养问题研究》)”. Huaxia Wenhua Luntan (《华夏文化论坛》), Vol.17, 2017.
7. “On the Communication of Popularization Rhetoric of Political Discourse (《论政治话语通俗化修辞传播》)”. Social Science Front, Vol.9, 2016.
8. “The History of Spiritual Growth of 1970s (《70年代的成长心灵史》)”. The Contention of Literary and Artistic Thought (《文艺争鸣》)(CSSCI), Vol.9, 2016.
9. “ Academic Ideological Education and Introspection of the Journalism and Communication(《新闻传播学学术思想教育与反思》)”. Journal of the Chinese Society of Education, Vol.6, 2016.
10. “ The Reformation and Innovation of Universities’ Broadcasting & Hosting Course of Vocalization (《高校播音主持< 发声课程>改革与创新的探究》)”. The Fourth Volume of Innovation, Reformation and Practice(《创新改革与实践》). Jilin University Press, 2016.
11. “The Symptom Analysis of Network Literature Creation (《网络文学创作症候分析》)”. The Contention of Literary and Artistic Thought (《文艺争鸣》)(CSSCI), Vol.7, 2016.
12. “The Role of the News of National Minorities in Constructing the Harmonious Society (《少数民族新闻报道在构建和谐社会中的作用》)”. Journal of Minzu University of China, Vol.2, 2015.
13. “ The Analysis of the Characteristics of the Times of the Language ‘Pause-Play’ Mode in the News Broadcasting (《新闻播音语言停连模式的时代特点分析》)”. Modern Communication (Journal of Communication University of China), Vol.3, 2015.
14. “The Interpretation of the Development of the Multicultural World and Multiculturalism ( 《多元文化的世界与多元文化主义的发展解析》)”. Huaxia Wenhua Luntan (《华夏文化论坛》), Vol.14. Jilin Wen Shi Chu Ban She (吉林文史出版社), 2015.
15. “The Mutual Beneficial Marketing between Movies and Literature Works (《电影与文学作品的互利营销》)”. Movie Literature, Vol.17, 2014.
16. “The Characteristic Analysis of the Language ‘Pause-Play’ Mode in Commentary News Broadcasting (《新闻评论类播音语言停连模式的特点分析》)”. Huaxia Wenhua Luntan (《华夏文化论坛》), Vol.12. Jilin Wen Shi Chu Ban She (吉林文史出版社), 2014.
17. “The Comparative Analysis between the Movie Script of Literature and the Literature Works (《电影文学剧本与文学作品之比较分》)”. Movie Literature, Vol.10, 2012.
18. “ On the Artistic Glamour of the Music Movie The Phantom of the Opera (《音乐电影< 歌剧魅影>的艺术魅力》)”. Movie Literature, Vol.5, 2011.
19. “The New Development of the Literature written by Writers Who Had Studied in Japan (《留日作家文学的新发展》)”. Huaxia Wenhua Luntan (《华夏文化论坛》), Vol.5. Jilin Wen Shi Chu Ban She (吉林文史出版社), 2010.
20. “The Comparison between Singing Vocalization and Broadcasting Vocalization (《歌唱发声与播音发声的异同》)”. New Vision of Animation (《动画新视窗》). Times Literature and Art Publishing House, 2009.
21. “On the Literature Features of Chinese Students Studying in Japan in the 1990s ( 《浅析20世纪90年代中国留日学生文学特点》)”. Huaxia Wenhua Luntan (《华夏文化论坛》), Vol.4. Jilin Wen Shi Chu Ban She (吉林文史出版社), 2009.
22. “The Scientific Vocalization Standard for Bel Canto of Art Language (《艺术语言美声法的科学发声标准》)”.Drama (《戏文》), Vol.1, 2006.
23. “Studies on Bel Canto Training Methods for Art Language( 《艺术语言美声法发声训练方法研究》)”. Playwright, Vol.5, 2006.
24. “ The Transference from Singing Vocalization to Broadcasting Vocalization and the Differences Analysis (《歌唱发声向播音发声转换及发声异同分析》)”. Applied Linguistics, Vol.3, 2006.
25. “Dragon Culture and Chinese Music ( 《龙文化与中国音乐》)”. Drama (《戏文》), Vol.4, 2006.