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2003-2007 BA at the Department of Journalism of the College of the Humanities, Jilin University;(Also studied the minor courses at the Department of English of the College of Foreign Languages, Jilin University);
2007-2009 MA in Ancient Chinese Literature at the College of the Humanities, Jilin University;
2011-2014 PhD in Literature & Cultural Communication at the College of the Humanities, Jilin University
·Media and Literature Communication
·History of Communication & History of Media
·Cultural Sociology
Undergraduate courses:
·News Photography(《新闻摄影》)
Postgraduate courses of journalism and communication:
·Theoretical Basics of Journalism Communication(《新闻传播学理论基础》)
Executive Member of the Local History of Journalism Committee of the Chinese Association for History of Journalism and Mass Communication (中国新闻史学会地方新闻史专业委员会);
Member of the Chinese Verses Association (中国韵文学会);
Member of the Chinese Ci-poetry Research Association (中国词学研究会);
Member of the Chinese Su Shi Research Association (中国苏轼研究会);
Vice Secretary General (Academic) of Su Shi Research Association of the Northeast China(东北苏轼研究会);
Member of the Literature Association of Jilin Province(吉林省文学学会);
Member of the Aesthetics Association of Jilin Province (吉林省美学学会)

Monograph. Introduction to the Ancient Literature Communication (《古代文学传播论纲》). Jilin Publishing Group, 2016.

1. “On the Poetry in Kouk Fong Po and The Justice and Liang Qichao’s Poetics Transformation (《论< 国风报>< 庸言>诗词与梁启超的诗学转变》)”. Study & Exploration, 2017.
2. “Liang Qichao’s Ideological Changes and the Poetry Evolution in Newspapers of the Late Qing Dynasty (《梁启超的思想变动与晚清报刊诗词演进》)”. Zhejiang Social Sciences, 2016.
3. “On ‘Dong-po Birthday Elegant Gathering’ in the Poetry Published in Newspapers during the Periods of the Late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China (《论晚清民国报刊诗词中的东坡生日雅集》)”. Social Science Research, 2016.