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1996-1999 MA in Journalism at the College of the Humanities, Jilin University;
2003-2006 PhD in Journalism at the School of Journalism and Communication, Renmin University of China
·News Commentary
·Media Credibility
·News Copyright
·News Commentary
·News Criticism
·Media Speech

The Credibility of the Network Media and Its Maintaining Mechanism(《网络媒体可信度的生成与维系机制研究》). Jilin University Press, 2018.<br/>

Under the Comparative Perspective of Sino-American Media Credibility Study (《比较视野下的中美媒介公信力研究》). Communication University of China Press, 2013.<br/>

Transformation of the Discourse Power (《话语权转移》).Communication University of China Press, 2008.

1. “What Media Reviews are Needed in the Age of UGC? (《UGC时代需要怎样的媒体评论》)”. Journal of Southwest Minzu University (Humanities and Social Science), Vol.7, 2016.
2. “ An Exploration of the Early Cartoon in Chinese Newspapers or Magazines (《我国报刊早期漫画初探》)”. Editorial Friend , Vol.10, 2014.
3. “The Search Engine’s Acts and Corresponding Legal Liability of Copyright Infringement on the Media(《搜索引擎侵犯媒体版权的行为与法律责任》 )”. Chinese Journal of Journalism and Communication, Vol.3, 2014.
4. “Analysis of Microblog Parody Discourse Features (《微博戏仿的狂欢话语分析》)”. Journal of Dalian University of Technology (Social Sciences), Vol.1, 2014.
5. “The Crisis and Transformation of the Media Reviews (《媒体评论的危机与转型》)”. Journal of Southwest Minzu University (Humanities and Social Science), Vol.9, 2013.
6. “Magazines’ ‘Client-side Mode’ of the Mobile Terminal (《移动终端的杂志“客户端模式”》)”. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (Social Sciences Edition), Vol.1, 2012.
7. “A Study of the Credibility of the Network Media from the Perspective of Europe and America (《欧美视域下的网络媒体可信度研究》)”.Chinese Journal of Journalism and Communication, Vol.8, 2010.
8. “ ‘Ads Centre’ or ‘Users Centre’?: An Analysis of the Business Model Transformation of the English & American Newspaper Networks(《“广告中心”还是“用户中心”?——美英报纸网站商业模式转型分析》)”. Journalism & Communication.
9. “ An Analysis of the Liability of Network Service Providers in an Infringement Case (《网络服务提供者的侵权责任分析》)”. Journalism and Mass Communication Monthly, Vol.1, 2010.