Spiritual Resistance: The Political and Cultural Role of the Newspaper’s Literary Supplement in the Northeast Enemy-occupied Area- A Case Study of ‘Chinese Weekly(Da Tong Bao)’ as a Historical Investigation (《精神抵抗:东北沦陷区报纸文学副刊的政治身份与文化身份——以<大同报>为样本的历史考察》). Jilin People’s Publishing House, 2014;<br/>
Research on the News Control during the Manchukuo Period (《伪满洲国新闻统制研究》).Jilin People’s Publishing House, 2016;<br/>
Years in Photography Works: An Interview with Photographer Lang Qi (《岁月留痕——摄影家郎琦访谈录》). Jilin People’s Publishing House, 2020