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1988/9-1992/6 BA in Journalism at the Department of Chinese Language & Literature, Jilin University;
1999/9-2002/6 MA in Modern & Contemporary Chinese Literature at the College of the Humanities, Jilin University;
2004/9-2008/12 PhD in Modern & Contemporary Chinese Literature at the College of the Humanities, Jilin University;
2010/2-2014/1 Post-doctoral studies at the School of Journalism, Fudan University
·History of Manchukuo’s Media Culture
·Oral History
·History of Photography
·News Services
Undergraduate courses:
·News Gathering and Writing
·Economic Journalism
Postgraduate courses:
·Comparative Study of News Reporting Methods
·Media Communication Planning
·Monographic Study on the History of Chinese Journalism
Doctoral candidate courses:
·Monographic Study on News Communication in Manchukuo
Member of the Chinese Association for History of Journalism and Mass Communication

Spiritual Resistance: The Political and Cultural Role of the Newspaper’s Literary Supplement in the Northeast Enemy-occupied Area- A Case Study of ‘Chinese Weekly(Da Tong Bao)’ as a Historical Investigation (《精神抵抗:东北沦陷区报纸文学副刊的政治身份与文化身份——以<大同报>为样本的历史考察》). Jilin People’s Publishing House, 2014;<br/>

Research on the News Control during the Manchukuo Period (《伪满洲国新闻统制研究》).Jilin People’s Publishing House, 2016;<br/>

Years in Photography Works: An Interview with Photographer Lang Qi (《岁月留痕——摄影家郎琦访谈录》). Jilin People’s Publishing House, 2020

1.Jiang Lei & Chen Xi. “The Underground Writing and Postwar Presence of the Resistance Literature during Manchukuo Period (《伪满时期抵抗文学的地下书写与战后呈现》)”. Social Science Front (CSSCI), 2019. (pp. 264-268);
2.Jiang Lei & Jing Hong. “Typical Significance of the ‘Non-typical’ Experiences of Resistance Literature Writers: A Case Study of Li Zhengzhong’s Literary Career (《抵抗文学作家“非典型经历”的典型意义——以李正中文学生涯为个案》)”. Journal of Shenyang Normal University, 2017. (pp. 7-14);
3.Jiang Lei & Yang Yue. “ ‘News Barrier’ in the Name of Law: A Historical Study of the News Control during Manchukuo Period (《以法律之名制造的“新闻樊篱”——对伪满新闻统制的历史考察》)”. Social Science Front (CSSCI), 2016. (pp. 165-173);
4.Jiang Lei. “An Analysis of the Features of Media Communication during Manchukuo Period( 《伪满洲国媒介传播特征辨析》) ”. China Social Sciences Today, on October 8,2015. (The Eighth Edition);
5.Jiang Lei. “Similarities and Differences between Oral History Interview and News Interview(《口述史访谈与新闻采访的异同》)”. Shanghai Journalism Review (CSSCI), 2011. (pp. 75-79)