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1986/9-1990/7 BA in Journalism at the School of Journalism and Communication, Renmin University of China;
1997/9-2000/7 MA in Modern & Contemporary Literature at the College of the Humanities, Jilin University;
2006/9-2014/12 PhD in Comparative Literature and World Literature at the College of the Humanities, Jilin University
·Journalism Theory and Practical Operation
·Cultural Study
·News Gathering and Writing (《新闻采访与写作》)
·Professional News Report (《专业新闻报道》)
·News Case Study (《新闻案例分析》)
·Monographic Study on News (《新闻专题研究》)
Executive Director of the Journalism Education Association of the Chinese Association for History of Journalism and Mass Communication (中国新闻史学会新闻教育研究会)

On English Literary Criticism of the Romantic Era (《英国浪漫主义批评研究》).Jilin Wen Shi Chu Ban She (吉林文史出版社), 2017.

1. “Briefly on the Writing Characteristics of Xiao Qian’ s Feature (《略论萧乾特写的写作特征》)”. .Academic Exchanges, Vol.8, 2009.
2. “On the Causes of ‘Series Northeast Phenomenon’ (《试论“东北电视剧现象”之成因》)”. Journal of Shanxi Radio & TV University,Vol.4, 2009.
3. “Why Does ‘Northeasterly Wind’ Prevail? ( 《 “东北风”何以劲吹》)”. China Culture Daily( Theoretical Edition)(《中国文化报(理论版)》), July 1st, 2009.
4. “Wang Hanxi & His Son and Xin Wen Bao (Newspaper)(《汪汉溪父子与< 新闻报>》)”. Journalism Lover, Vol.4, 2009.
5. “ Desire Fit: Consumption Age and the Consumerism Inclination of News Report(《欲望契合:消费时代与新闻报道的消费主义倾向》)”. Huaxia Wenhua Luntan (《华夏文化论坛》), 2014.
6. “ Female Drivers: Stereotypes in the Eyes of Media and Countermeasures (《女司机:媒介的刻板印象及抑制对策》)”. Huaxia Wenhua Luntan (《华夏文化论坛》), 2015.
7. “ Community Marketing Pattern in We-media Era and Its Outlook ( 《自媒体时代社群营销模式及其发展图景》)”. News Tribune, Vol.5, 2015.
8. “A Brief Discussion on the Marketing Sense Embodied in Wechat Red Packets (《浅析微信红包蕴含的营销意识》)”. North Media Research, Vol.1, 2016.
9. “ The Effective Guidance on the Shifting Phenomenon of the Public Opinion of We-Media (《自媒体舆论偏移现象的有效引导》)”. Huaxia Wenhua Luntan (《华夏文化论坛》), 2016.
10. “An Essay on the Development of Journalism and Communication Education in Jilin Province (《吉林省新闻传播教育发展述略》)”. North Media Research, Vol.8, 2018.