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1982 BA in Chinese Language & Literature at the Department of Chinese Language & Literature, Jilin University;
1995 MA in Modern & Contemporary Chinese Literature at the Department of Chinese Language & Literature, Jilin University;
2012 PhD in Literature and Art at the College of the Humanities, Jilin University
·Public Opinion
·Media Culture
·Introduction to Journalism (Undergraduate course)
·The Ideological History of Journalism and Communication( Postgraduate courses)
·Public Opinion (Postgraduate courses)
·Media Culture Theory (Doctoral candidate course)
·Media Culture and Contemporary Literature Concept (Doctoral candidate course)
Member of the Fourth Discipline Evaluation Team of the Academic Degree Committee(吉林省学位委员会第四届学科评议组);
Executive Vice-president of the Communication Society of Jilin Province (吉林省传播学会)

An Exploration of Modern Evening Newspapers (《现代晚报探索》). Jilin People's Publishing House,1999.

Modern Approach of News Reporting (《新闻报道现代方法》). Jilin University Press, 2009.

Media Culture Theory and Contemporary Literature Concept (《媒介文化理论与当代文学观念》).Jilin University Press, 2017.

An Author of more than 70 published academic papers represented by:
“The Evolution and Approach Innovation for the Concept of Traditional Media News in the Intelligent Age (《智能化时代传统媒介新闻理念的演进与方法创新》)”. Media Observer. Vol.5, 2020.
“The Construction of Aesthetic Value of Literary Secularization under the Context of Media Culture(《媒介文化语境下的文学世俗化审美价值构建》)”. Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition, Vol.4, 2017.
“Aesthetic Value of Literary Humanity under the Context of Media Culture (《媒介文化语境下的文学人文性审美价值》)”. Social Sciences Front, Vol.7, 2017.
“The Interpretation of Meaningful Signs of the Theory of Media Culture (《媒介文化理论的意义符号阐释》)”. Social Sciences Front, Vol.3, 2015. “Literary and Artistic Communication and Communication Aesthetics Research under the Context of Media Culture(《媒介文化语境下的文艺传播论与传播审美研究》)”. Huaxia Wenhua Luntan (《华夏文化论坛》), Vol.10, 2013.
“Multi-perspective of Analysis of Media Culture Power Relationship (《媒介文化权力关系分析的多元视角》)”. Social Sciences Front, Vol.11, 2012. “ Media Culture Production and the Construction of Regional Cultural Significance ( 《媒介文化生产与地域文化意义的建构》)”. Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition, Vol.3, 2012.