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1992/9-1996/9 BA in History Department of History, Heilongjiang University
1996/9-1999/3 MA in Ancient and Medieval History of the World Department of History, Jilin University
2001/9-2005/12 PhD The Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University
·Ancient History of the World
·History of the World Ancient Historiography
·History of the Ancient Egypt
·Ancient Empires
·Early civilizations and Origin of State
·Ancient History of the World
·History of the World (I)
·Introduction to Classical Historical Documents
·History of the Ancient Near East
·Ancient Writing and Culture of the World
·Historical Documents and History Compilation of the Ancient Near East

1. Shi Haibo.Ancient Historical Records and the Origin of Historiography from the perspective of Power(《权力视角下的古代历史记录与史学起源》),Jilin University Press, 2020.

2. Shi Haibo. The Concept of "Maot " in Ancient Egyptian Oracle documents: From Old Kingdom Period to New Kingdom Period(《古代埃及教谕文献中的“正义”观念:从古王国到新王国时期》),Jilin University Press, 2012

1. Shi Haibo. “The Historical Analysis of the ‘King Lists of Ancient Egypt’ in the New Kingdom Period (《古代埃及新王国时期王表的历史解析》)”. World History, June, 2019
2. Shi Haibo. “The Influence of Ancient Greek Ionian Philosophy on the Origin of History (《古希腊爱奥尼亚哲学对于历史学起源的影响》)”. Guizhou Social Sciences, July, 2019
3. Shi Haibo. “Ancient Empire and Civilization Identity(《古代帝国与文明认同》)”. Collected Papers of History Studies, 2018.
4. Shi Haibo. “Ancient Prophecy, Divination and ‘History’ (《古代的预言、占卜与“历史”》)”. Journal of Foreign Studies, 2018.
5. Shi Haibo. “The Characteristics, Function and Influence of Western Classical Biography(《西方古典传记的特性、功用及影响》)”. Guangming Daily(Theoretical Version)( 《光明日报理论版》), 2017
6. Shi Haibo. “The Historical Significance of the Ancient Egyptian Palermo Stone(《古代埃及帕勒摩石碑的史学意义》)”. Collected Papers of History Studies, 2018.
7. Shi Haibo. “The Relationship between Ancient Greek History and Philosophy from the Perspective of the ‘Cyclical Theory of History’(《从“循环历史观念”看古希腊史学与哲学之关系》)”. Economic & Social History Review, September, 2015.
8. Shi Haibo. “The Origin of the Historical Expression Pattern of the Royalty of Ancient Egypt《古代埃及王权历史表述模式的起源》)”. Journal of Northeast Normal University, May, 2014.