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1988-1992 BA in History Department of History, Jilin University
1992-1995 MA in Modern and Contemporary History of the World Department of History, Jilin University
1999-2003 PhD in International Politics School of Public Administration, Jilin University
2004-2008 Post-doctoral Mobile Station in History, Jilin University
·History of the US-Soviet Cold War
·Contemporary History of International Relations in Northeast Asia
·Modern History of the World
·Contemporary History of the World
·History of International Relations
·History of Cold-war
·History of International Relations in Northeast Asia
Member of the Society of Modern World History in China

1.Xu Ping.Research on Kissinger’s Balance-of-Power(《基辛格均势战略研究》).Jilin University Press, 2005.

2.First Author.The Grand Chessboard Today:Emerging Markets:Integrate or Challenge?(《新兴市场国家:融入体系还是挑战格局》). Changchun Publishing House, 2011.

3.Second Author.International Strategy(《国际战略学》). Higher Education Press, 2005.

4.Xu Ping.Historical Essay on Relations between Cold-war and Northeast Asia(《冷战与东北亚史论》). Jilin University Press, 2011.

5.Xu Ping.Study on the Process of Northeast-Asian Countries Joining in the UN(《东北亚国家加入联合国历程研究》). Jilin University Press, 2018.

6.First Author.Facts You Must Know About Russia(《不可不知的俄罗斯史》). Huazhong University of Science & Technology Press, 2019.

7.First Translator.The British Empire and the World War I(《大英帝国与第一次世界大战》). China Friendship Publishing Company(中国友谊出版公司), 2019.

8. Translator.The Making of Modern Britain. Translation. The Oriental Press, 2020.

9.Translator.High Minds: the Victorians and the Birth of Modern Britain. Translation. Social Sciences Academic Press(China), 2020.

1. First Author. “Thorough Analysis of Security Environment of China’s Neighboring Countries (《中国周边安全环境透析》)”. International Studies
2. Xu Ping. “The Cause and End of the US-Soviet Cold-War and the Chinese Civil War(《美苏冷战与中国内战的起因和结局》)”.Collected Papers of History Studies.
3. Xu Ping. “Discuss Analysis of Kissinger’s ‘Diplomacy’(《基辛格均势外交论析》)”. Journal of Southwest China Normal University.
4. Xu Ping. “Conflict and Tolerance: Two trends of Strategic Development in Northeast Asia after the Cold War.(《冲突与共容:论冷战后东北亚战略发展的两种态势》)”. Social Science Front.
5. Xu Ping. “The Communication Strategy of Culture and Promotion of Soft Power (《文化的传播策略与软实力的提升》)”. Studies in Culture and Art (Korea)( 《文化与艺术研究》).