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2009-2013 BA in Japanese Language and Literature at the School of Foreign Languages, Northeast Normal University
2013-2016 MA in Chinse History at the College of the Humanities, Jilin University
2016-2019 PhD in Chinese History at the College of the Humanities, Jilin University
2019-Now Postdoctoral Study of the World History at the College of the Humanities, Jilin University
·History of the Liao and Jin Dynasties
·History of Sino-Korean Relations
Postgraduate courses
·History of Sino-Japanese Relations
·Introduction to the Historical Documents of Sino-Foreign Relations
·Studies on the History of Goguryeo
·Monographic Study on the National History of the Northeast Asia
·History of Chinese Ethnic Relations


1.” Historical Origins of ‘Jie Zhen System’ of the Liao Dynasty from the Five Regimes of the Tang Dynasty (《辽代节镇体制的唐五代渊源》)”. Collected Papers of the History of the Tang Dynasty (《唐史论丛》), Vol. 29. San Qin Publishing House (三秦出版社), 2019.
2. “The Establishment and Evolvement of ‘Jie Zhen System’ of the Liao Dynasty (《辽代节镇体制的创立与定型》)”. Collected Papers of the History of the Song Dynasty(《宋史研究论丛》), Vol.23. Science Press, 2018.
3. “ From ‘Powerful Di’ to ‘Legally Constituted Authority’: The Image of Jin Dynasty in the Eyes of Kingdom Goguryeo Recorded in Historical Classics(《从“强狄”到“正统”:史籍所见高丽君臣心中的金朝形象》)”. Collected Papers of the Studies on the Chinese Classics Outside China (《域外汉籍研究集刊》), Vol. 18. Zhonghua Book Company, 2018.
4. “The Development and Evolvement of ‘Jie Zhen System’ of the Liao Dynasty (《辽代节镇建制的发展与演变》)”. Journal of the Minzu University of China (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), Vol.4, 2018.
5. A Study of ‘Jie Zhen System’ of the Liao Dynasty (《辽代节镇体制研究》)”. The Journal of Ancient Civilizations, Vol. 2, 2018.
6. “ The ‘Jie Zhen System’ of the Liao Dynasty and Regional Supervision (《辽代节镇体制与地方监察》)”. Jiangxi Social Sciences, Vol. 11, 2017.
7. “Removing Obscurities of ‘Grant Amnesty’ Recorded in Historical Documents (《“大赦”书写发覆》)”. Jianghai Academic Journal, Vol. 4, 2017