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2006/9-2010/7 Dual-degree(BA in Literature & Historiography) at the ‘Kuang Yaming Experimental Class ’of the College of the Humanities, Jilin University;
2010/9-2015/6 PhD in Modern and Contemporary Chinese History under the tutorship of Professor Zhao Yinglan through the Successive Postgraduate and Doctoral Program at the Department of History of the College of the Humanities, Jilin University;
2016/9-2020/9 Joint Study on the Major of Sociology at the Postdoctoral Mobile Station of Jilin University , School of Philosophy and Sociology; Under the tutorship of Professor Bing Zheng.
2015/9-Now A Lectureship at the Department of Chinese History of the College of the Humanities, Jilin University;
·Modern Urban History
·History of the Communist Party of China
·Historical Sociology
·Modern and Contemporary Chinese History
·Regional Urban History

1. Opening of the Port to Trade and Social Changes in Commercial Port City Antung (安东) from 1906 to 1931(《开埠通商与安东小商埠城市社会变迁研究(1906—1931)》). Northeast Normal University Press, 2017.

2.The Research on the Social Life of Middle and Lower Classes during China’s Transition from Traditional Period to Modern Times(《传统到近代转型时期中国中下层群体社会生活研究》). Jilin University Press, 2020.

1.“An Analysis on the Opening Type of Commercial Ports Opened According to Agreement Stipulating Self-opening in Late Qing Dynasty(《晚清中国“约定自开”商埠之开埠方式考析》 )”. Collected Papers of History Studies, Vol.2, 2020.
2. “Religious Rule during the Colonial Period: Comparative Study between the Northeast China and Macao( 《殖民时期宗教统制:中国东北地区与澳门比较研究》)”. Huaxia Wenhua Luntan (《华夏文化论坛》), Vol.2, 2019.
3. “The Influence of Modern Printing & Publishing Industry on Chinese Cultural Preferrences: Taking the Commercial Press as an Example (《近代出版印刷业对国人文化选择的引导—以商务印书馆为例》)”. The Contention of the Literature and Art Thought (《文艺争鸣》), Vol.8, 2020.
4.“An Analysis of the Military Economy in the Northeast China during Japan’s Preparation for War against the Soviet Union (《备战苏联期间日本在中国东北的军事经济探析》)”. Military History, Vol.3, 2019.
5. “An Analysis of Education Supervision System during the Period of the Republic of China (《民国时期中国教育督导制度探析》)”. Changbai Journal, Vol.2, 2019.