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2001/9-2005/7 BA Harbin Normal University
2005/9-2011/7 MA & PhD Northeast Normal University
·History of the Ming and Qing Dynasties
Undergraduate Courses:
·History of Ancient China
·Intellectual & Cultural History of the Ming & Qing Dynasties
Postgraduate Courses:
·Theories and Methods of the Ancient Chinese History
·Political History of the Ming & Qing Dynasties
·The Monographic Study on the History of the Ming & Qing Dynasties

1、A Study on the Monarch-Subject Relationship and the Politics of Literati and Officialdom in the Ming Dynasty(《君臣关系与明代士大夫政治研究》). Jilin University Press, 2018.

2、The Cabinet system and the Political Situation: A Study of the Political Role of the Cabinet Ministers in the Ming Dynasty(《制度与时局:明代阁臣政治角色研究》). Jilin University Press, 2018.

1.“Monarchy Evolution and Power Relationship Development: Paradigms, Problems and Tracks of the Political History Study of the Late Ming Dynasty ( 《君主政治的演进与权力关系格局——关于晚明政治史研究的范式、问题与线索的思考》)”. Seeking Truth, Vol.3, 2018.
2 . “ ‘Xiang’ Title, ‘Xiang’ Cause and the Political Thinking of ‘Jun-Xiang’ (Monarch-Prime Minister): The Analysis of the ‘Xiang’ Theory in the Ming Dynasty(《相名、相业与君相政治思维:明人相论解析》).” Journal of Historical Science, Vol.7, 2015.
3. “Bureaucratic Literati’s View on Remonstrating against Emperors and the Political Ecology in the Late Ming Dynasty(《“以谏为忠”与“以谏求名”——论晚明士大夫的谏诤观与政治生态》)”.Collected Papers of History Studies, Vol.6, 2015.
4 “Ups and Downs of an Official’s Career in the Late Ming Dynasty: Being dismissed from office due to remonstration and later went back to the office with a title conferred (《晚明官员的建言去官与起复封赠》 )”. The Journal of Ancient Civilizations, Vol.4, 2014.