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2001 BA The Department of History, Hunan Normal University
2004 MA in History Jilin University
2010 PhD in History Jilin University
·History of Ancient China
·History of the Liao and Jin Dynasties
·History of China’s Northern Ethnic Groups
Undergraduate courses:
·History of Ancient China; Chinese Social History;
·History of China’s Ethnic Groups;
·Monographic Study on the History of the Song, Liao, Xia, Jin and Yuan Dynasties;
Postgraduate courses:
·Monographic Study on the History of Ancient China;
·Monographic Study on the History of Relations between the Liao, Song, Xia, Jin and Yuan Dynasties;
Master Supervisor

A study of Liao Dynasty's communication thought to the Central Plains Dynasties(《辽朝对中原王朝外交思想研究》). Jilin University Press, 2019.

1.“ The Intermarriage between Khitan and Han People: A Study of the Marriage of the Yutian Han Family(玉田韩氏) in the Liao Dynasty (《“契汉联姻”:辽代玉田韩氏婚姻考论》)”. Collected Papers of History Studies, Vol. 5, 2020.
2. “An Essay of the Political Status of the Han Officials in the Liao Dynasty(《论辽代汉官的政治地位》)”. Collected Papers of the History of the Song Dynasty(《宋史研究论丛》), Album No. 22. Science Press, 2018.
3. “ A Rethink of the Imperial Examination System in the Liao Dynasty(《对辽代科举制度的再思考》)”. China’s Borderland History and Geography Studies, Vol.2, 2017.
4. “ The Han’s Official Career and Promotion in the Liao Dynasty(《辽代汉人的入仕与迁转》). Journal of Chinese Historical Studies, Vol. 3, 2013.
5. “A Study of Families of the Han Ethnic Candidates in the Imperial Examinations in the Liao Dynasty(《辽代汉族进士家世考》)”. Social Science Front, Vol. 7 2012.
6. “ A Study of ‘Yin Bu System ’ (a hereditary system for official jobs) in the Liao Dynasty(《辽代荫补制度考》)”. Collected Papers of History Studies, Vol. 2, 2010.
7. “The Textual Research of ‘ Han Shizi’ in Lu Zhen’s ‘ Cheng Yao Lu’ ( A Record of the Song Dynasty )(《路振〈乘轺录〉所记“韩氏子”考辨》)”. Northern Cultural Relics, Vol.2, 2010.