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1985-1989 BA Liaoning Normal University
1989-1992 MA in History at the Department of History, Jilin University
1994-1997 PhD at the Institution of Ancient Books Collation and Studies, Jilin University
History of the Liao and Jin Dynasties; History of Sino-foreign Relations
Editor-in-Chief of the Collected Papers of History Studies

1.Studies of the Korean Peninsula in 4th-6thCentury(《4-6世纪朝鲜半岛研究》).Jilin University Press, 2015.

2.Samguk sagi (Emendation)(《三国史记》)校勘本. Jilin University Press, 2015.

3.None His Message Hears: Have You Really Understood ‘A Dream of Red Mansions’?(《谁解其中味:你真的读懂红楼了吗》). Liaoning People’s Publishing House, 2018.

4.Derivatives Proofreading of Zhou yi (Book of Changes)(《周易经传校异》). Zhonghua Book Company, 2018.

1.“ A Study of ‘Xi Xi Yan’: An Argument of Features of Musical Culture Communication(《〈昔昔盐〉考——兼论音乐文化传播的特点》)”. Music Research, Vol.3, 2016.
2.“Three Questions of Nabo(捺钵)in the Liao Dynasty (《辽代捺钵三题》)”.Collected Papers of History Studies, Vo.3, 2016.
3.“Pastures and the Politics of Qidan (《牧场与契丹人的政治》)”. Journal of Capital Normal University, Vol.2, 2017.
4. “The Formation and Evolution of the State-County System in the Liao Dynasty (《辽代州县体制的形成及演变》)”. Study & Exploration, Vol.1, 2018.
5.“ The Regime of the Ethnic Groups in the North of the Han Residential Area during the Pre-state Period from 20th-21st Century(《二世纪至十一世纪北族前国家时期的社会组织》)”. Historical Research, Vol. 3, 2018.
6. First-author. “Studies of the Changbai Mountains (《长白山考》)”.China’s Borderland History and Geography Studies, Vol. 4, 2018.
7. “The Social Organization of Qidan and the Abaoji (Emperor Taizu of Liao) ’s Founding of the Liao (《契丹社会组织与耶律阿保机建国》)”. China’s Borderland History and Geography Studies, Vol. 2, 2020.
8. “ ‘Ji Mi’ System and the Ancient Borderland (《羁縻体制与古代边疆》)”. Collected Papers of History Studies, Vo.4, 2020.