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1997/9-2001/6 BA in Chinese Language & Literature at the College of the Humanities, Jilin University
2001/9-2004/6 MA in Literature and Art at the College of the Humanities, Jilin University
2006/9-2013/6 PhD in Philosophy at the Jilin University School of Philosophy and Sociology
2018/8-2019/3 Visiting Scholar at the Institute of Humanities, Seoul National University
·Aesthetic Principles
·Literature Theory
·Aesthetic Culture
·Marxist Aesthetics
·Cognitive Neuroscience Aesthetics
Undergraduate courses:
·Literature Principles
·Introduction of Aesthetics
·The Western Literary Theory
·An Introduction to Art
Postgraduate courses:
·Marxist Literary Theory Studies
·Research on Problems of the Contemporary Chinese Aesthetic Culture
·Studies of Li Zehou’s Aesthetic Theory
Executive Director of the Research Centre of Contemporary Chinese Marxist Literature and Art , Jilin University(吉林大学中国当代马克思主义文艺学研究中心)
Research Fellow of the Research Centre of Cognitive Aesthetics and Art Education , Jilin University(吉林大学认知美学与美育研究中心)
Member of Marxist Aesthetics Committee of the China’s Aesthetics Association (中华美学学会马克思主义美学专业委员会)
Secretary General & Vice President of the Research Centre of National Mao Zedong’s Literary Theory(全国毛泽东文艺思想研究会)
Research Fellow of the Culture Regeneration Research Society (加拿大文化更新研究中心)
Guest Editor of Cultural China (Quarterly Magazine) (《文化中国》)(季刊)


1.“Four ‘Aspects of Aesthetic Culture under the Guidance of Modern Chinese Social Consumerism & The Critique of ‘Utopia’ (《当代中国社会消费主义审美文化的四幅“面孔”及其“乌托邦”批判》)”. The Study of Culture & Art(Korea), Vol.12, 2018.
2. “Political Aesthetics over the Modernization Course of China (《中国现代性进程中的政治美学》)”.The Contention of Literary and Artistic Thought (《文艺争鸣》), Vol.4, 2017.
3. “On Theoretical Paradigm, Ideology Evolvement and Future Perspective of the Cognitive Aesthetics ( 《论认知美学的理论范型、思想履历及未来方向》)”. Social Sciences in Heilongjiang, Vol. 5, 2016.
4. “The Birth and Dimension of Marx’s Concern with Modernity(《马克思现代性批判思想的生成及其维度》)”. Magazine Office of Study &Exploration, Vol.9, 2015.
5. “The Taste of ‘Exquisiteness’ & the Appreciation of ‘Beauty’: Comparative Study of the Aesthetic Mind in China and the West ( 《体“妙”与析“美”——中西方审美精神的比较》)”. Social Science Front, Vol.9, 2014.
6. “ Cultivating the Marxist Anthropology Aesthetics from the Practical Point of View (《构建基于实践观点的马克思主义智能人类学审美观》)”.Magazine Office of Study &Exploration, Vol. 8, 2014.
7. “An Inquiry into the Theory of ‘ Cognitive Pattern of Aesthetics’ :Modern Aesthetics on the Basis of Cognitive Neuroscience ( 《 “审美认知模式”理论探究——基于认知神经科学视域的当代美学研究》)”. The Contention of Literary and Artistic Thought (《文艺争鸣》), Vol.4, 2014.