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1991-1995 Undergraduate studies at the Department of Chinese Language &Literature, Beihua University (the Former Jilin Normal College).
1995-1998 Postgraduate studies in Modern & Contemporary Chinese Literature with the research orientation of Modern Chinese Poetry. The main academic achievement was the graduation dissertation No Longer Fei Ming: Studies on Fei Ming’s Poetry ( 《一个不再的废名——废名诗歌研究》)
1998 Gained a master’s degree and started teaching at the Department of Journalism of the College of the Humanities, Jilin University
2001-2005 On-the-job doctoral studies in Modern & Contemporary Chinese Literature at Jilin University. The researches focused on the language and pattern of modern Chinese new poetry. The representative research result was the doctoral graduation thesis Dance and Sing after Shaking off the Nightmare of Words: On the Language & Pattern of the New Poetry (《挣脱文字梦魇后的舞蹈与歌唱――新诗的语言与形式研究》).
2005-2007 Post-doctoral studies at the Mobile Post-doctoral Station of Peking University. The researches focused on modern Chinese poetry, especially in modern Chinese female poetry. The research results were represented by the postdoctoral final report Rupture, Transition and Deepening-Research on the Writing of the Chinese Female Poetess of the 1990s (《断裂、转型与深化――中国九十年代女性诗歌写作研究》) and by other relevant academic articles published. After the post-doctoral study, Zhao resumed teaching at the Department of Chinese Language & Literature of the College of the Humanities, Jilin University and continued her researches in the field of modern & contemporary Chinese poetry.
·Modern Chinese Poetry
·Contemporary Chinese Poetry
·Modern Chinese Female Poetry
·Modern Taiwanese Poetry
·Contemporary Chinese Fiction
·Modern Chinese Fiction
·Modern & Contemporary Chinese Literature (Undergraduate)
·Studies on Modern Chinese Poetry(Undergraduate)
·Appreciation of Modern Chinese Literature Masterpieces (Undergraduate)
·Studies on Modern Chinese Poetry(Postgraduate)

1. Rupture, Transition and Deepening-Research on the Writing of the Chinese Female Poetess of the 1990s (《断裂、转型与深化――中国九十年代女性诗歌写作研究》). Guang Ming Daily Press(《光明日报出版社》, 2011.

2. The Language and Pattern of New Poetry (《新诗的语言和形式》). Guang Ming Daily Press(《光明日报出版社》, 2014.

3. The Language and Pattern of Modern Chinese New Poetry (《中国现代新诗的语言和形式》). Central Compilation & Translation Press, 2014.

1.“Modern Taiwanese Poetry in its Beauty and Solitude(《美丽孤寂的台湾现代诗》)”. Huaxia Wenhua Luntan (《华夏文化论坛》), Vol.2, 2018.
2.“On Interpretation and Evaluation of Unambiguity Poems in Modern Poetry History : Take Xu Zhimo's poetry for Example (《现代诗歌史上单义诗歌的阐释与评价——以徐志摩的诗歌为例》)”. Journal of Beihua University, Vol.8, 2012.
3.“Readings of Contemporary Poems: A Showcase of Charm in the Intensive Reading-Taking the Example for one of Yu Jian’s Poems (《关于当代诗歌的阅读:在细读中展示的魅力——以于坚的一首小诗为例》)”. Journal of Beihua University, Vol.10, 2008.
4.“ The Influence on Contemporary Chinese Female Poets’ Creation by the Western Post-modernization Cultural Trends(《西方后现代文化思潮对我国当代女性诗歌创作的影响》)”. The Contention of Literary and Artistic Thought (《文艺争鸣》), Vol.5, 2013
5.“On the Tendency to the Individualization Through the Artistic Transformation in Contemporary Female Poems (《论当代女性诗歌艺术变革的个人化倾向》)”. The Contention of Literary and Artistic Thought (《文艺争鸣》), Vol.8, 2013.
6.“ On a Tendency to the Aestheticization of Daily Life in Contemporary Female Poems (《论当代女性诗歌的日常生活审美化倾向》)”. Huaxia Wenhua Luntan (《华夏文化论坛》), Vol.12, 2014.
7.“On the Narrative-oriented Artistic Shift in Contemporary Female Poems (《论当代女性诗歌艺术变革的叙事化倾向》)”. Huaxia Wenhua Luntan (《华夏文化论坛》), Vol.9, 2013.
8.“ On the Theme of Spiritual Predicament in Contemporary Working-man Poems(《论当下打工诗歌中的精神困境主题》)”. Theory and Criticism of Literature and Art (《文艺理论与批评》), Vol.6, 2013.
9.“Dialogues of Ghosts , Starlit Sky and Mountains & Plains: Modern Predicament- An Analysis of Jia Pingwa’s New Novel Dai Deng (《山野、星空与幽灵的对话:现代性的困境——贾平凹新作< 带灯>解析》)”. Huaxia Wenhua Luntan (《华夏文化论坛》), Vol.14, 2015.
10.“ Cultural Retrospection and Moral Criticism: The Interpretation of Yan Lianke’s New Work Ode to Grace (Feng Ya Song) (《文化反思与道德批判——解读阎连科新作< 风雅颂>》)”. Journal of Beihua University, Vol.8, 2009.