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2002-2006 BA in Chinese Language & Literature at the College of the Humanities, Jilin University
2007-2009 MA in Modern & Contemporary Chinese Literature at the College of the Humanities, Jilin University
2009-2012 PhD in Comparative Literature and World Literature at the College of the Humanities, Jilin University
·History of Modern Chinese Literature
·Narrative Art
·Japanese Studies on Lu Xun
·Modern & Contemporary Chinese Literature(Foundation course for undergraduate)
·Introductory Theory of Modern Chinese Literature(Common elective course for undergraduate)
·Japanese Studies on Lu Xun (Major elective course for undergraduate)
·Selective Lectures on Modern & Contemporary Chinese Drama(Major elective course for undergraduate)
·Studies on Sino-Japanese Relations of Modern Literature(Major course for postgraduate)

1.Artistic Theory of Xia Luping’s Short Stories (《夏鲁平短篇小说艺术论》). Times Literature and Art Publishing House, 2018.

2. Co-author (Second-author). The History of Japanese Studies on Lu Xun (《日本鲁迅研究史论》). Social Sciences Academic Press(China), 2019.

1.Co-author (Second-author). “ A Life-long Impact on Lu Xun by his Grandfather Jie Fu’s Imprisonment: Reading one of Yoshimi Takeuchi’s Works Lu Xun (《介孚公囹圄之灾对鲁迅一生的影响——读竹内好< 鲁迅>随札之一》)”. Huaxia Wenhua Luntan (《华夏文化论坛》), Vol.1, 2006.
2.“An Objection to Two Cases of Literary Inquisition (《对< 文字狱两案例>一文的异议》)”. Lu Xun Research Monthly, Vol. 12, 2007.
3.Co-author (First-author). “Intellectual Footprints: Post-reading of Gao Yuandong’s How to ‘Copy’ Modernity? :An Anthology of Lu Xun’s Thought and Literature (《思想的足迹——高远东〈现代如何“拿来”——鲁迅的思想与文学论集〉读后》)”. Shanghai Lu Xun Research·Autumn of 2009 (《上海鲁迅研究·二零零九年秋》).
4. Co-author (Second-author). “Yoshimi Takeuchi: Historical Retrospection by Looking up to Lu Xun (《竹内好:凭借鲁迅的历史反省》)”. Modern Chinese Literature Studies, Vol.3, 2020.
5. Co-author (Second-author). “ ‘Evil Spirit’ & ‘The Soul of Chinese Nation’:The Reading of Gao Xudong’s View of Lu Xun (《“恶魔”与“民魂”——读〈高旭东讲鲁迅〉》)”. Lu Xun Research Monthly, Vol. 6, 2010.
6. Co-author (Second-author). “Review Splendid Ideals in Modern Chinese Fiction : After-reading of Xie Zhaoxin’s Development History of Modern Chinese Fiction Theory (《重温中国现代小说的灿烂理想————读谢昭新〈中国现代小说理论发展史〉有感》)”. Modern Chinese Literature Studies, Vol.5, 2011.
7. “ ‘A Soul-touched Adventure’: The Reading of Qin Xinlai’s Entanglements between ‘Human’and ‘Beasts’ and the Discussion with Qin (《“触摸灵魂的探险”——读靳新来〈“人”与“兽”的纠葛〉并与之商榷》)”. Huaxia Wenhua Luntan (《华夏文化论坛》), Vol.6, 2011.
8. Co-author (Second-author). “On the Shift of Yoshimi Takeuchi’s Comments on The True Story of Ah Q (《竹内好对〈阿Q正传〉评价的转变》)”. Shaoxing Lu Xun Research·2011(《绍兴鲁迅研究·2011》).
9. Co-author (Second-author). “Yoshimi Takeuchi: Cultural Retrospection by Looking up to Lu Xun (《竹内好:凭藉鲁迅的文化反思》)”. Literary Review, Vol.5, 2011.
10. “ What is ‘A Revolutionary Setback’: An Essay on ‘Wan Shan’s Lu Xun Research’ (《什么是“革命的挫折”——“丸山鲁迅”研究札记》)”. Huaxia Wenhua Luntan (《华夏文化论坛》),Vol. 8, 2012.
11. Co-author (Second-author). “ History and Academics from the Perspective of ‘Modernity’: The Comments on Zhao Jianghua’s Zhou Brothers and Japan (《“现代性”追问下的历史与学术——评赵京华〈周氏兄弟与日本〉》)”. Lu Xun Research Monthly, Vol. 12, 2012.
12. “ ‘Evolution Theory of Lu Xun under the View of Wan Shan’s Lu Xun Research ( 《丸山昇鲁迅研究视野中的鲁迅“进化论”》)”. Literary Review, Vol.2, 2013.
13. “ ‘Revolution’ in Name: An Essay on ‘Wan Shan’s Lu Xun Research’ (《以革命为名义的“革命”——“丸山鲁迅”研究札记》)”. Modern Chinese Literature Studies, Vol.5, 2013 14. “ ‘Abandon Medicine for Literature’ and Move Towards Revolution: An Essay on ‘Wan Shan’s Lu Xun Research’ ( 《“弃医从文”与走向革命——“丸山鲁迅”研究札记》)”. Comparative Study of Sino-Japanese Culture and Literature·2013 (《中日文化文学比较研究·2013》).
15. Co-author (First-author). “What is ‘Wan Wei(まるお つねき)’s Lu Xun Research’? (《何为“丸尾鲁迅”》) ”. Modern Chinese Literature Studies, Vol.5, 2014.
16. Co-author (First-author). “Kitaoka Masako’s Lun Xun Research (《北冈正子的鲁迅研究》)” . Lu Xun Research Monthly, Vol. 9, 2015.
17. “The Vigor and the Inclination to Extremes of Japan’s Lu Xun Research in Recent 100 Years(《百年日本鲁迅研究的生机与偏至》)”. Literary Review, Vol.5, 2016.
18. “Osamu Dazai ‘s Farewell from the Perspective of Japanese Lu Xun Studies History (《日本鲁迅学史视野中的太宰治〈惜别〉》)”.Comparative Studies of Sino-Japanese Culture and Literature·2018 (《中日文化文学比较研究·2018》).
19. “Osamu Dazai: From Farewell to No Longer Human ( 《太宰治:从〈惜别〉到〈人间失格〉》)”. Writer Magazine, Vol.12, 2019.
20. “ Beyond the ‘Madman in the Meiji Era of Japan’: Restudy the Significance of A Madman's Diary in Civilization History (《超越“明治狂人”:重识〈狂人日记〉的文明史意义》)”. A Bridge across the Ocean: Comparative Study of Sino-Japanese Culture and Literature (《跨海建桥:中日文化文学比较研究》), 2020.