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1999/9-2003/7 BA in Advertising at the College of the Humanities, Jilin University;
2003/9-2005/7 MA in Modern & Contemporary Literature at the College of the Humanities, Jilin University;
2005/9-2008/6 PhD inn Modern & Contemporary Literature at the College of the Humanities, Jilin University
·Advertising Planning & Brand Marketing
·Media Culture
·Youth Subcultures
·Introduction to Advertising
·Advertising Copywriting
·Advertising Planning Creative
·Classic Creative Analysis
·Media Culture Critics
·New Media & Advertising Communication
‘Backbone Teacher’ in the discipline of Internet & New Media at the College of Journalism and Communication, Jilin University

Anxiety and Introspection: Aesthetics Studies of the New Urban Fiction in 1990s (《焦灼与反思——新都市小说的审美研究(1990年代)》). Jilin People’s Press, 2015.

1. “ ‘Transformation’ in the Celebrity Endorsement for New Media Brand Marketing (《明星代言模式在新媒体品牌营销中的“变”型》)”. North Media Research, 2019.
2. “Interconnection of Multiple Screens and the Cross-screen Marketing under the context of Media Convergence (《媒介融合下的多屏融合与跨屏营销》)”. North Media Research, 2019.
3. “Expression and Influence of the Power of Discourse under the Virtual ‘Public Domain’ (《虚拟“公共领域”话语权的表达及影响》)”. Jilin Normal University Journal, 2019.
4. “Convergence in Communication: Effective Way of the Mainstream Cultural Values Communicated among Yong People. (《融合传播:主流文化价值观在青年受众中有效传播的路径》)”. Huaxia Wenhua Luntan(《华夏文化论坛》), 2019.
5. “ Female Fate: Turning Points during the course of Yan Geling’s Literary Creation and Artistic Features of Her Novels (《女性的命运时空:严歌苓创作的成长节点与小说的艺术特色》)”. Contemporary Writers Review, 2019.
6. “ Mobile Communication: Effective Communication of Public Service Advertising among the Youth with the Support of Social Media Technologies (《移动场景传播:社交媒介技术支持下的公益广告在青年受众中的有效传播路径》)”. North Media Research, 2019.
7. “The Information Communication Strategy for Libraries of Changchun Universities in the Context of New Media (《新媒介语境下长春高校图书馆资源信息传播对策研究》)”. Research on Library Science, 2018.
8. “ ‘Dispirited Culture’: A Way of Expression of Youth Subculture under the New Media (《“丧文化”:新媒介语境下一种青年亚文化的言说方式》)”. North Media Research, 2018.
9. “Confirmation and Extension: Understanding Marshall McLuhan in the Era of Micro Media(《确认与延伸:在微媒体时代理解麦克卢汉》)”. Contention of Literary and Artistic Thought(《文艺争鸣》), 2018.
10. “Mutual Infiltration Between Culture and Economy (《文化与经济的互渗》)”. Huaxia Wenhua Luntan(《华夏文化论坛》), 2017.
11. “Saying Goodbye to ‘Commonplace’ : Farewell to Barbarism of Pop-culture (《向“平庸”挥一挥手,作别流行文化的野蛮时代》)”. Culture Jilin, 2017.
12. “The Length of Cultural Exploration Path and the Extension of the Field of Vision (《文化行走的深度与视觉延伸的角度》)”. Contention of Literary and Artistic Thought(《文艺争鸣》), 2017.
13. “ ‘New Youth’ Identity Reconstruction and Its Meaning in Modern Era(《< 新青年>身份重构及其现代性意义》)”. Social Science Front, 2017.
14.“A Dialogue between Mainstream Culture and Youth Subculture under the Environment of New Media(《新媒介环境下主流文化与青年亚文化的对话》)”. Jilin Normal University Journal, 2017.’
15. “Viral Communication in the Context of the ‘Micro-era’ (《“微时代”背景下的病毒式传播》)”. Northeast China Journal, 2016.
16. “Fiction Creation and Subsistence in the Age of Film & TV Media (《影视媒介时代的小说创作与生存》)”. Contemporary Writers Review, 2016.
17. “Individual Customization: Accurate Advertising in Big-data Era(《个性定制:大数据时代的精准广告》)”. North Media Research, 2016.
18 “ Entertainment as the Highest Priority: Conspired by Media and Consumerism(《娱乐至上——一场媒介与消费主义的合谋》)”. Contention of Literary and Artistic Thought(《文艺争鸣》), 2015.
19. “Audience Psychology and Advertising Communication in the Age of New Media《新媒体时代的受众心理与广告传播》)”. Journal of Shenyang Normal University, 2015.
20. “Love Narratives in Trouble Times: Li Bihua’s Scenario World(《于乱世中演绎爱情——李碧华的剧本世界》)”. Movie Literature, 2014.
21 “ Walking along the Edge of Art: Special Artistic Appeal of Advertising(《在艺术边缘游走——广告独特的艺术魅力》)”. Writer Magazine, 2014.
22. “We-chat: The Winning Weapon of Accurate Marketing (《微信:精准化营销的制胜利器》)”. Media, 2014.
23. “New Mindset of Experience Marketing in Brand Promotion in the Age of New Media(《新媒体时代体验营销助力品牌推广的新思路》)”. Media, 2015.
24. “ When Film Art Meets Advertising Marketing: Advantages of Micro-movie Advertising Communication(《当电影艺术遇上广告营销——微电影广告的传播优势探析》)”. Contention of Literary and Artistic Thought(《文艺争鸣》), 2014.