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1994/9-1998/07 BA in English Language and Literature Jilin Normal University;
2003/9-2006/06 MA in Journalism Jilin University;
2008/9-2012/12 PhD in Literature & Art Jilin University
·Marketing Communication
·Social Media and Sociology
·Journalism Literalization
·Media Literacy Education
Under-graduate Courses:
·Integrated Marketing Communication ·Social Media for Communication and Application ·Advertising Planning and Creativity ·Advertising Management ·Marketing ·History of Advertisement at home and abroad ·Advertising Psychology
Post-graduate Course:
·Marketing Communication ·Crisis Transmission and Public Management ·Theory and Practice of Social Media
1. Executive Member of the Research Committee of Advertising and Media Development History under the Chinese Association for History of Journalism and Communication;
2. Member of the Research Committee of Public Opinion under the Chinese Association for History of Journalism and Communication;
3. Member of the Eighth Committee of Jilin Union of Social Sciences Circles;
4. Vice-president & Secretary-general of the Association for Communication of Jilin Province(吉林省传播学会);
5. Vice-president of the Society of Editing and Publishing of Jilin Province(吉林省编辑出版学会)

1. Editor-in-chief (Second-author). Modern Communication and Culture Development in Northeast China (《当代传播与东北文化发展》). Jilin University Press, 2019.

2. Associate-editor. Renowned Chinese Historical and Cultural Street: Changchun Xinmin Street(《中国历史文化名街:长春新民大街》). Jilin Meishu Press(吉林美术出版社), 2016.

3. Associate-editor. Laugher and Life Artist(《笑与生活艺术化》). Jilin Publishing Group, 2015.

4. Associate-editor. Colony Remains of Changchun(《长春的殖民遗迹》). Jilin Meishu Press(吉林美术出版社), 2014.
5. Associate-editor. Urban Culture and Changchun Tourism Development(
《城市文化与长春旅游发展》). Jilin Meishu Press(吉林美术出版社), 2014.
6. Associate-editor. Changchun New View Fifteen (
《长春新十五景》). Jilin Meishu Press(吉林美术出版社), 2014.

7. Associate-editor. Contemporary Form of Folk Culture in Northeast China and Its Inheritance (《东北民俗文化的当代形态及其传承》). Ji Lin Wen Shi Chu Ban She(吉林文史出版社), 2012.

8. Associate-editor. Media Literacy Education(《媒介素养教育》). Jilin People’s Press, 2009.

1. Sole-author. “Remolding the Image of Northeast China: To Banish the Stereotype and Positively Promote (《重塑东北形象:刻板印象的转变与积极传播》)”. Jilin Normal University Journal: Humanities & Social Science Edition, Vol.4, 2019.
2. Sole-author. “ Contemporary Expression and Communication of the Northeast China Culture: ‘Four Books’ on Changchun(《东北文化的现代表达与传播——关于长春的“四本书”》)”. Contention of Literary and Artistic Thought(《文艺争鸣》)(CSSCI), Vol.12, 2018.
3. First-author. “ Internet ‘Circle’ Communication: Layered Interaction and Bridging the Relationship(《互联网“圈子”传播:分层互动与关系的弥合》)”. Research on Library Science(CSSCI), Vol.17, 2018.
4.First-author. “ Internet ‘Circle’ Communication and New Audiences’ Reaction to the Information(《互联网“圈层”传播与新受众的信息反应》)”. Research on Library Science (CSSCI), Vol. 22, 2017.
5. First-author. “ The Weakening and Transformation of the Classical Communication Theory under the Internet Information Background(《互联网信息背景下经典传播理论的弱化与新变》)”. Research on Library Science (CSSCI), Vol. 18, 2016. (Reprint by Xinhua Wenzhai(《新华文摘》) in its issuance of Vol.2, 2017.)
6. First-author. “ ‘Pre-journalism Era’ and ‘ Pre-journalism Phenomenon: The Query of the Completeness of the Current Journalism History (《 “前新闻时代”与“前新闻现象”——对现有新闻史完整性的质疑》)”. Academic Exchange (CSSCI), Vol.8, 2013. (Arguments of the article have been extracted by Xinhua Wenzhai(《新华文摘》) in its issuance of Vol.1, 2014.)
7. First-author. “Officials’ Media Literacy and Government Image Communication(《官员的媒介素养与政府形象传播》)”. Journal of The Party School of The Central Committee of The C.T.C (CSSCI), Issue No.4, Vol.17, 2013. (Reprint in the 2013 Annual Report of Research on Media Literacy in China (《中国媒介素养研究年度报告2013》) issued by China Radio Film & TV Press in February, 2015.)
8. First-author. “Influence of the Construction and Communication of Animation Art on Children’s Psychology (《动画艺术的构建与传播对儿童心理的影响》)”. Drama Literature (《戏剧文学》)(The Core Journal of Peking University),Vol.5, 2013. (Reprint by Xinhua Wenzhai(《新华文摘》) in its issuance of Vol.16, 2013.)
9. First-author. “The Evolution of Detail-oriented and Popularized History Communication: After-reading of ‘Changchun: Those Manchukuo Stuff ’ (《历史传播细节化与大众化的嬗变——< 长春,伪满洲国那些事>读后》)”. Social Science Front (CSSCI), Vol.1, 2013. (Reprint by Leisure Traveler (《优游者》) in its issuance of Album No. 4 in December, 2014 with the theme of ‘ Colony Remains of Changchun’.)
10. First-author. “ From ‘Media-shortage Era’ to ‘Hypermedia Communication Era’: The Historical Inquiry of ‘Literature Evolution’ of Journalism Style (《从“媒介短缺时代”到“超传播时代”——关于新闻文体“文学演变”的历史质询》)”. Huaxia Wenhua Luntan (《华夏文化论坛》) , Album No.8, Collected Papers of CSSCI, Ji Lin Wen Shi Chu Ban She(吉林文史出版社), 2012.
11. First-author. “ The Return and Illumination of the ‘New Journalism’ (《“新新闻”之回归与启示》)”. Contention of Literary and Artistic Thought(《文艺争鸣》)(CSSCI), Vol.5, 2012.