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1995/8-1999/7 BA
The College of the Humanities, Jilin University;
2001/8-2004/7 MA in Literature & Art
The College of the Humanities, Jilin University;
2006/8-2010/12 PhD in Modern and Contemporary Literature
The College of the Humanities, Jilin University
·Literature Communication and Media Culture
·Social Media and Communication Theory
·Social Media: Communication and Application(《社交媒体:传播与应用》)
·Advertising Culture(《广告文化》)
·Advertising Psychology(《广告心理学》)
·Advertising Media(《广告媒体学》)
·Advertising Symbols(《广告符号学》)
·Introduction to Advertisement (《广告学概论》)

 1. Wang Jian. Typical Anxiety about the Literary Classics in the Affluent Society (《丰裕化社会的经典焦虑症》).Monograph. Jilin University Press, 2020.<br/>

2. Editor-in-chief. Mao Dun Classic Novel (《矛盾小说经典》). 21st Century Press, 2011.<br/>

3. Editor-in-chief. Three Words-Essence Book (《三言精华》). 21st Century Press, 2012.<br/>

4. Editor-in-chief. A Treasury of Hu Shih Essays(《胡适散文精选》). 21st Century Press, 2013.

1. Wang Jian. “ Reading De-canonization in Affluent Society(《丰裕化社会的去经典化阅读》)”. Journal of Nantong University(Social Sciences Edition)(南通大学学报·社会科学版), Vol.5, 2019.
2. Wang Jian. “Literary Classics Crisis and ‘Anxiety’ in Information-ized Literary Society (《信息化文学社会的经典危机与“经典焦虑”》)”. Social Science Front, Vol.10, 2014.
3. Wang Jian. “ History and Reality Intertwined: A Fragment on Humanities and Social Scientific Best-selling Books in 2013 (《历史与现实的交织——2013年度人文社科类畅销书籍片论》)”. China Book Review, Vol.1, 2014.
4. Wang Jian. “The Cure for the Poor Reality through the Creative Imagination in Reading: Don Quixote’s Reading Manner(《阅读的创造性想象对贫乏现实的医治——论堂吉诃德的阅读方式》)”. Journal of Beijing University of Technology (Social Sciences Edition), Vol. 6, 2013.
5. Wang Jian. “ ‘Heterogeneous Communication’ and ‘Story Adaptation’ of the Literature of Classics(《经典的“异质传播”与“故事新编”》)” . Huaxia Wenhua Luntan(华夏文化论坛),Vol.9, 2013.
6. Wang Jian. “The Post-Classic Period: The Loss of the Production Mechanism in Classical Works and Classics Disorder (《后经典时代:经典生产机制的失落与经典的失序》)”. Lanzhou Academic Journal, Vol.2, 2013.
7. Wang Jian. “ ‘Classics Anxiety’ in Post-literary Era (《后文学时代的“经典焦虑症”》)”. Journal of Dalian University of Technology (Social Sciences), Vol. 1, 2012.