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1996 BA in History Henan University
1999 MA in History Jilin University
2009 PhD in History Fudan University
·Regional History of the Northeast China in Modern Times
·History of Chinese Society in Modern and Contemporary Times
·Modern Chinese History
·Regional History of the Northeast China in Modern Times
·Selective Works on the Study of the Modern and Contemporary Chinese history
·Studies on the Regional History of the Northeast China in Modern Times

1. Co-author.Chinese Social Sciences in the 20th Century(History)(《20世纪中国社会科学(历史学卷)》). Shanghai People's Publishing House, 2005.

2. Associate Editor-in-Chief.Factions and Diplomacy: A Study of the Diplomatic Idea with Japan in the Republic of China Era(《派系与外交——民国时期对日外交思想研究》). Jilin University Press, 2005.

Research Projects

1.2012 Youth Project for Humanities and Social Sciences Research initiated by the Ministry of Education:“The Rage of Pneumonic Plague and Social Changes in the Northeast China during Modern Times: Centering on the Pneumonic Plague from 1910-1911(鼠疫流行与近代东北社会变迁——以1910-1911年鼠疫大流行为中心)”

2. 2018 General Project for Humanities and Social Sciences Research initiated by the Ministry of Education: “The Research on the Plague Prevention Service of the Northeast China and the Social Changes of the Northeast China during Modern Times from 1911-1932 (东三省防疫事务总处与近代东北社会变迁研究(1911-1932))”

3.2019 Project Supported by the National Social Science Fund of China: “ The Research on the Outbreak of the Epidemics and the Social Changes of the Northeast China during Modern Times from 1861-1931(传染病流行与近代东北社会变迁研究(1861—1931) ”

1. Co-author. “The ‘Self-strengthening Fraction’ and the Reform Movement of 1898 (《洋务派与维新运动》)”. Collected Papers of History Studies, Vol.4, 1998.
2. “ On Yuan Shi-kai’s Foreign Policies with Japan (《袁世凯对日外交述论》)”. Collected Papers of History Studies, Vol.4, 1998.
3. “ Epidemic Prevention or Sinophobe?:A Study of the Large-scale Deportation of Chinese from the Russian Far East Region in 1911 ( 《防疫还是排华?——1911年俄国远东地区大规模驱逐华侨事件研究》)”. Overseas Chinese History Studies, Vol.3, 2011.
4. “ Changes of Rights of Land and the Migration in the Northeast China during the Qing Dynasty (《地权变动与清代东北移民》)” .Jiangxi Social Sciences, Vol.7, 2015.
5. “On Wu Liande’s Appointment as ‘ Chief Medical Officer ’ for the Prevention of the Pneumonic Plague in the Northeast China from 1910-1911 (《伍连德1910-1911年在东北防疫中任职“全权总医官”考》)”. Collected Papers of History Studies, Vol.6, 2018.
6. “International Cooperation or Sovereignty in Preventing the Epidemic: A Restudy on the International Plague Conference Held in Shenyang in 1911 (《国际合作与防疫主权——1911年奉天万国鼠疫研究会再研究》)”. Journal of Historical Science, Vol.6, 2020.
7 “The Research on the Initial Construction Year of Willow Palisade across Liaoning (17th Century Barrier)(《柳条边始建年代考略》)”. China's Borderland History and Geography Studies, Vol.6, 2020.