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1983/8-1987/7 Bachelor's degree at the Department of Geography, Northeast Normal University
1999/8-2002/7 Master’s degree at the Department of History, Northeast Normal University
2003/8-2008/6 Doctor's degree at the Institute of Ancients Books Collation and Studies, Jilin University(吉林大学古籍研究所)
·History of the Liao and Jin Dynasties.
·History of China’s Northern Ethnic Groups
·History of China’s Borderland
·Teachging courses and researches focus on: the history of Qidan and Nüzhen in the Liao and Jin Dynasties;
·History of Ancient Chinese Borderland;
·China’s Northern Nomadic Tribes;
·History of Fishing and Hunting Tribes;
·Interactive Activities with Residents in the Central Plains
PhD Supervisor

1.The Imperial Examination and the Society in the Liao Dynasty(《科举与辽代社会》), China Social Sciences Press, 2015.

2.The Education and the Society in the Liao Dynasty(《教育与辽代社会》). People’s Publishing House, 2019.

3.A Study of theCentral Government System in Goguryeo(《高句丽中央官制研究》). Jilin University Press, 2015.

1. “ Physics: Methods and Approaches of Studies on the Ancient China’s Borderland History (《形而下之器:古代中国疆域史研究的方法与取径》)” . China’s Borderland History and Geography Studies, Vol.1, 2020.
2. “ The Historical Position of the Liao Dynasty in the Pedigree of Ancient Chinese Dynasties(《辽朝在中国古史谱系中的历史定位》)” . China’s Borderland History and Geography Studies, Vol.2, 2019.
3. “The Evolutionary Features of Cultural and Educational Measures in China’s Borderland through Multiple Ethnic Interactive Activities Acknowledged by the Confucian Culture (《民族多元互动与儒家文化认同下边疆民族区域文教举措的演进特征》)” . China’s Borderland History and Geography Studies, Vol.1, 2016.
4. “ The Studies on the Ancient History of the Korean Peninsula from a Regional Perspective(《区域视阈下的朝鲜半岛古代史研究》)”. Economic & Social History Review, Vol. 4, 2015.
5. “Fragmentation & Global Perspective: The Value Orientation of the Studies on the Ancient Chinese Regional History(《碎片化与全视野:中国区域史研究的价值取向》)”. Collected Papers of History Studies, Vol. 3, 2014.